Cooperation between Al-Dabbah locality, UNICEF and Sadaqat organization to resolve obstacles

The Executive Director of Al-Dabbah Locality, Mr. Muhammad Saber, met today in his office with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Sadaqat organization.

Consultations have taken place to address many of the barriers facing the locality, including vital services needed by local residents.

For his part, Saber reviewed all the problems facing the locality, including the problems of expatriates, especially in the recent period. His Excellency also highlighted the problems encountered in the progress of the educational process through his continuous visits to local schools.

For their part, the educational services of the locality appreciated the efforts of the general director of UNICEF and the Sadaqat organization to overcome all the obstacles facing education.

For his part, the UNICEF Executive Director in the Northern Region highlighted the provision of services in the coming period through institutions in the fields of health, education and water. He also mentioned the “Resilience” project, funded by the World Bank, and added that they were in the process of signing partnerships with the project managers and that the locality of Al-Dabba was considered one of the areas benefiting from the project.

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