Coordination of the return to the founding platform confirms its support for the government in the rejection of the Geneva platform

Coordination of the return to the founding platform: rejects the participation of parties in any future transitional government

Port Sudan: Muhammad Mustafa

The coordination of the return to the founding platform adhered and rejected the participation of parties in any future government, stressing the need for the next transitional government to be completely independent, and called for the need to achieve a state of institutions and establish a constitutional conference to resolve outstanding issues, stressing the importance of establishing a preliminary committee for the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, which would end the war.

Today, in a press conference held at the Coral Hotel in Port Sudan, the Coordination Committee revealed the provision of a comprehensive political vision to manage dialogue and support and reform existing state institutions, in addition to completing the establishment of the Legislative Council and the Constitutional Court and achieving justice and transitional justice. It stressed the pursuit of the criminals of the Rapid Support Militia and its supporters and the establishment of internal and external condemnation and forcing them to pay… State compensation to the citizen.

Mohamed Wadaa, head of the coordination, said Monday at a press conference in Port Sudan that the dialogue must take place inside the country and that we do not rely much on external initiatives, noting that Sudan has wise men capable of He added that the dialogue cannot take place under the whistling of bullets. It must take place after the ceasefire and the return of citizens to their homes. AMA announced its support for the government's position rejecting the Geneva negotiations and its adherence to the negotiations. Jeddah platform.

In this context, Chol Myang, head of the Supreme Council for Coordination of Dinka Abyei Affairs, said that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is a necessity imposed by the circumstances and to save the country. He added that the dialogue was long overdue and we must sit down. He stressed that coordination was serious in the dialogue with the aim of achieving a national vision for the administration of the state.

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