Copybest Conference Cairo – Session is the Homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all the people of my country who are a shield and support for our armed forces and regular agencies in the battle for Sudanese dignity, with a supply line of mobilization and popular resistance, to convey our message to the whole world. that the evil alliance that uses the tools and blood of the brutal rebellion and its collaborators are shameless and miserable agents, has started a war with the people and this is clearly evident through the violations and barbaric practices that took place during the invasion. cities, killing – looting – raping, intimidating and displacing innocent and defenseless citizens.

In fact, I did not follow the Cairo conference and its final declaration because I am convinced that it will be a scenario that will repeat all the conferences that preceded it. The result is the “Big Zero”, which is an extension of the search for an anchor point. for blood partners (the shameless Janjaweed) in the upcoming Sudanese scene, and from here I tell these people and their masters behind them that any movement will resolve the situation. The leader of Sudan smells like a foreigner and is being held outside the country. borders. He will not be worth the paper on which the statements he issues are written.

What is astonishing are the statements attributed to their leader, who leads them on the path of mortgaging national free will and returning the homeland to the bosom of neocolonialism, to Hamdok, who paved the way with roses for Volcker's colonial mission when he said, according to what is attributed to him, that they will lead a campaign to rebuild Sudan following what the war left behind.

Oh Hamdok, we will not ask you about the nation's money that you released for Sudan, and we will not hold you responsible for the donor conferences that were held to support Sudan, and we will not discuss with you the money you paid, the compensation for the Cole destroyer and the American embassy, ​​but we tell you how someone who put his hand in the hands of brutal support started the war and continued to fuel its fire and flee abroad to mobilize international support for it. has not even issued a single statement to condemn the inhuman violations perpetrated against the Sudanese people.

And now, during the conference, when you were asked to condemn this brutal support, you remained silent as tombs and spoke of recording a condemnation of the army.

This army, which represents the safety valve and protector of the people, the defender of the land and honor, you want to put it on the condemnation scale with this rebel militia that has committed the most ignoble types of violations and practices recorded in audio and video. in their hands. Is this reasonable??? He who does not stand with his national army against the rebellion and with his people against this barbaric force is certainly a blood partner.

Oh Hamdok, you and your emeralds are a group of evil. You have no mandate from this people to speak on their behalf, and you do not belong to Sudan, in which you occupied the seats of power, and after starting the war, you fled like carrots to fan its fire and continue to light it from outside.

We do not need your money. Do you know why? Because we will recover it with strength and power from the countries that participated in this global campaign against Sudan, and not by begging as you wish, Hamdok. In addition, we will rebuild the country with. the help of its loyal patriotic sons who persevered and increased in defending the sumptuousness of its soil with its precious and precious wealth and goodness, it is a spit for your masters who used you for work and livelihood as a betrayal of your country, thus. you have become shoes and boots that conspire against it.

This war will end. Do you know when??? After the will of God Almighty, when we eliminate the last rebel Janjaweed and the collaborating Qahati agent, we will judge the rest before the court of justice and before the people.

I conclude, we appreciate the Egyptian initiative, but it is not the way to the solution (the solution is in the country)

We ask God for the victory of our armed forces, our regular services and the mujahideen in all axes of combat. He accepts the martyrs, heals the wounded, releases the prisoners and returns the missing to their families safe and sound, O Lord. To the world

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