Corruption is not in the north, but in your vision of inferiority – the edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 I read a report broadcast by Radio Dabanga and Channel Dabanga, the media institution affiliated with Rapid Support. The report talks about corruption in the Northern State government and refers to administrative corruption that costs the treasury (35) billion pounds per month. Then the report talked about the economy stopping and the government ignoring the downfall and appointing the new government with favouritism and nepotism and talking about some ministers.

0 In response to what was stated in the report, we first confirm that its broadcast on Radio Dabanga means that it is a work planned by impudent people, who became clear after learning about their value to the Sudanese people and their miserable failure in all areas. their political and professional projects. Their vision of every work and effort became inferior to surpass them in every place, and that is why they wanted to act under the pretext of “against me and my enemies” with lies, hypocrisy and deception, which people no longer deceived, especially since they became the political incubator of the Janjaweed militia. Therefore, we are not surprised that they are spreading such lies and rumors within the Northern State government, describing its ignorant governor, Abdeen Awadallah, as a “kozna”, which is not an insult and is nothing to the Sudanese inside and outside the country. and the international community. If Governor Abdeen, with all the successes he has achieved in this short period, is described as an Islamic and kayzan student cadre, then congratulations to the governor for his talent.

0 What was mentioned in the report regarding administrative corruption is something that does not deserve much discussion. There are courts and an honest judicial system. Go ahead and submit your documents. As for your speeches about the economy and other things, such as your alliance with the people of Qahtut, you are making miscalculations and your arrows are going astray. The achievements of the economic state speak for themselves, and despite this, we refute them to you because you write your reports based on the reality of imagination. In the economy, cream and marwa factories were operated, and in the north, the largest investment project for Muawiyah al-Birir was signed with the Zadna Company, the Defense Industries System, and the Giad Company, all of which have come into effect. The first of these was to manufacture seats for male and female students in solidarity with the Zakat office and to open the door to investments for businessmen and a 50% discount to encourage them. As well as the visit of the Federal Minister of Health, who announced it. the manufacture of medicines and the rehabilitation of a factory for prosthetics and disabled people, in addition to the fact that the state is the only one among the states that has paid the salaries of workers until last month, given the war conditions and the difficult economic conditions prevailing in the country.

0 As for accusing the government of not preparing for the fall, we say that these are unprecedented natural phenomena in terms of rains, torrents and floods, due to climate change, an atmosphere that the region has never experienced before, and everything else is in the hands of God.

0 Regarding the appointment of the government, and that it was done by nepotism and favoritism, we tell you that the selection criteria are not subject to opinions and personal relationships. But by competence and experience taught by those who know the administrative work and not measured by the personalization of the issues. Paying attention to the details of the people responsible for the government indicates personal impressions and a program with a known goal and objective, which is satisfactory, God forbid.

0 It is a pity that at the end of the report it says “We will continue” and that it is not signed with the name of its author, which means that what I said is that it is a report that has nothing to do with the truth and means that it contains evidence that it was distributed to an institution that has nothing to do with professionalism, organizations, practices and political activities.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up..

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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