Culture and arts are deadly weapons that must be activated now – on low heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

It is clear that we lack cultural awareness and elements of quality and creativity, which negatively affects the local cultural scene.

🟣 It is important to encourage critical thinking and appreciation of the arts, creativity and its people, and to nurture local talent. The cultural scene in Shendi and other communities may need support from the government and local cultural institutions to strengthen cultural awareness and creativity and provide a suitable environment for true creators.

🟢 Raising concern is an important role that culture and its management must play to defeat the enemies of the homeland.

🟢 Now that our country is experiencing these disasters, there is no other way out than to use all the intellectual, literary and cultural reserves we have, which are deadly weapons, if you know, to win battles.

🟣 The arts in all their forms and images have their magic, their power and their scepter.

🟣 Through the artist we can gain an audience and a crowd through which we can present a message with which we appeal to an entire generation. Prescriptions for patriotism, mobilization, unification of efforts, determination and gathering of active youth power. the advancement of national value are all signs that song, poetry, the intellectual and the artist give us.

🟢 Culture, media and the arts are considered important areas that play a fundamental role in the construction and development of society. Therefore, reforms and improvements in Shendi City's cultural, media and art scene can significantly contribute to strengthening cultural and social awareness. of the population and improve the quality of cultural and artistic life.

🟢 It is important that the Shendi General Administration of Culture and Information adopt comprehensive plans and programs to achieve transformation in these areas. The most important reforms that can be implemented are:

🟣 Development of cultural facilities: Libraries, cultural galleries and art centers in Shendi must be modernized and improved to become an attractive place for citizens and visitors.

🟣 Support local creators: Financial and technical support should be provided to local artists, writers and intellectuals to encourage them to innovate and create.

🟣 Cultural and artistic events Cultural and artistic festivals can be organized in Shendi to increase cultural interaction between the community and strengthen cultural exchange.

🟣Local media activation is important and urgent. Local media must be supported and strengthened to ensure complete and objective coverage of cultural and artistic events and activities.

🟣 The integration of modern technology is a necessity of the scene. Modern technology must be used in the display and distribution of cultural and artistic content to make it more accessible and interactive with the public.

🟣 By implementing these reforms and programs, the General Administration of Culture and Information can play a central role in bringing together creative people and benefiting from the capabilities possessed by this important army with the required capabilities and skills.

🟣Cultural reform and activation of the role of the arts are considered essential to develop consciousness and promote national values ​​and belonging to the homeland. By highlighting cultural heritage and the visual and literary arts, national identity can be strengthened and individuals oriented towards service to the nation and society. 🟢 Through arts and culture, it is possible to strengthen the national spirit and spread positive energy and optimism among members of society, which contributes to strengthening national cohesion and achieving solidarity and overall development of the country.

🟣 With culture and its people, we can achieve a lot, and the arts also convey a strong and pervasive message that will strengthen rationality and cultural awareness among members of society, and thus strengthen unity and belonging national. The State should strive to promote arts and culture as essential elements in the development of the nation and the shaping of society. By activating the role of arts and culture and its citizens, society can achieve real progress and meet challenges with strength and positivity.

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