Customs Forces Between Challenges and Crossing the Lines of Demonization – Whispered Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Many have spoken of the growing role of Sudanese customs as one of the most powerful arms of the national economy, and it is true that it plays a vital role in supporting the national economy, but I do not want to talk about it as a source of income, although I want to shed some light on its role in protecting local industry and ensuring the safety of imported materials by monitoring and regulating the entry of goods into the country, which constitutes an impenetrable barrier against smuggling and the entry of spoiled and non-compliant materials, which improves security and public welfare.

It is undoubtedly the safety valve and the first line of defense to protect the national economy by regulating trade and preventing the entry of unauthorized goods, which helps support local industries and preserve the health and safety of citizens. It plays a role in facilitating legitimate trade and promoting economic development by implementing policies and laws aimed at ensuring market security and stability.

Customs is an institution with a growing history, and this lavish honor comes from its important role in developing the national economy and protecting public interests. Historically, it has helped organize trade movement, secure borders, and increase government revenue. The development reflects its administration's efforts to address economic challenges. In modernizing customs systems and procedures to achieve greater efficiency, we must therefore focus on its achievements and look outside the box for ways to improve its performance so as to strengthen its role as a vital and pioneering institution in the national economy.

Customs remains the holder of the highest praise in the overall stability of the state due to the considerable roles it plays, and these vital roles are considered an integral part of the overall function of customs in supporting the economy and protecting the interests of the state and society.

In addition to being an essential economic tribute, Sudanese customs performs several fundamental tasks, such as protecting public health by monitoring and controlling food and medicines to ensure their safety, which prevents the entry of harmful or spoiled materials, and also contributes directly to national security by controlling prohibited and prohibited materials, such as weapons and drugs, which affect internal security and the stability of society, and it also regulates trade through the implementation of laws and regulations that regulate the import and export of goods, which helps facilitate the flow of trade in an orderly and legal manner, while encouraging investment and contributing to the country's renaissance by simplifying customs procedures and providing facilities to investors, which improves the business environment in the country. Customs is also considered the first line of defense. protect local industries by implementing policies that prevent the smuggling of goods and help protect local products from unfair competition.

Sudanese Customs is a long-established institution and is part of an international system that affects its operations. It is considered part of a larger global system that operates in accordance with international standards determined by global institutions such as the World Customs Organization (WCO). which ensures that its operations are carried out in accordance with international systems through the implementation of international agreements and the application of trade-related standards. This helps facilitate international trade and strengthen cooperation with other countries.

What I want to emphasize is that the achievements of the team, according to the Honorable Adam, Director General of the Customs Forces, are evidence of the tangible and tangible successes that he presented, and which are the result of many years of experience in this institution. , especially since this is an exceptional period in the life of our country. God has destined that his health should deteriorate, which required his travel outside the country to receive treatment. We ask God for his speedy recovery and perfect health. and in accordance with the military hierarchy, he has tasked Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, one of the tigers of this institution, to manage the work, and who has demonstrated his administrative skills during this short period of his taking charge of the administration of the Customs Forces by mission. , and what is necessarily known is that the assignment of the director to the deputy to conduct the work does not grant the deputy all the powers, knowing that the administrative system differs in the extent of the powers of the deputy granted to him depending on the source of the mission. When the director of customs is assigned the Sudanese authority for his deputy, the deputy is given specific powers based on the directives of the director, which may sometimes be restricted and incomplete. However, if the minister appoints the deputy, the deputy. obtains full powers equivalent to those possessed by the director. This difference is due to the fact that the minister has the higher, broader and more capable authority to grant a complete authorization that includes all the powers and decisions related to the customs administration.

In this war, the Sudanese Customs has continued to provide columns of martyrs, whose number has exceeded two hundred officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, and many of its members are still at the forefront of the operational axes in the front ranks throughout the war. Sudan, and it always offers its life and treasures in order to protect the land and honor, I hope that those who are targeted by this giant institution should leave it alone, because these are regular forces affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, governed by laws. , regulations and powers for administrative arrangements that positively reflect the public interest.

And God is behind the intention

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