Dalgu Locality Executive Director Attends Screening of Root Lighting Tender for Dalgu Locality

The tender for lighting the islands was opened this evening in the buildings of the locality of Dalgo, in the presence of the executive director, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, the directors of the locality's departments, representatives of the companies and other witnesses of the event. review of the tender for lighting the islands of Moga and Narnarti and part of the West Summit islands within the framework of the social responsibility program after fulfilling the conditions in accordance with what was announced.

For his part, the executive director of the locality of Dalqo said that two companies submitted a bid according to the announced conditions to illuminate the islands of Moga, Narnarti and part of the Western Summit, and he promised the citizens of the regions and islands to connect them with electricity in the near future as their due rights, despite its high cost, he promised to fully finance this project within the framework of the locality's responsibility programs, according to the decisions of the third quarter committee, to complete the lighting of. He indicated that a tour was carried out in the previous days in the islands of Nab and Mathal to follow up on the progress of the work, fill the gaps and pay the bank dues to the regions of Temps and Samt. After sorting the offer, it was agreed with the company to implement the project for the islands of Moga and Narnarti within a maximum of ninety days and for the western zenith within forty-five days, the work is proceeding as planned and the project is in the completion phase, pending the start of work on the towers inside the islands so that all citizens of the villages and areas of the locality can benefit from electricity.

For his part, the director of the urban planning department of the locality, engineer Lotfi Abdullah, said that the companies that bid were two companies on the closing day of the tender, with the victory of the company that won the bid. and who meet the conditions. The contracts will be signed in the coming days until the work of completing the lighting of the root begins as scheduled.

It is worth mentioning that the third quarter was identified under the social responsibility projects of the locality of Dalgo to enlighten the islands of Moga, Narnarti, Samet, Mathal, Nab and Temps.

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