Dalqo Executive and Northern State Humanitarian Aid Commission Commissioner Attend Opening of Program to Build Community Resilience in Dalqo Locality

Dalgu Technical Bakya, the executive director of the locality, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, the commissioner of the Humanitarian Aid Commission in the Northern State, Dr. Abdul Rahman Khairi, the director of the Dalgu unit, Mr. Samer Ahmed, the Director of the Dalgu Unit, Mr. Omar Al-Lakandi, the Head of the General Shaykhat Union of Al-Mahs, Brigadier General Mukhtar Faqiri, the commissioner of the local Humanitarian Aid Commission, Mr. Sayed Faqir, and others testified.
They attended the launch of the program to strengthen community resilience in Dalgu locality, sponsored by the National Planning Organization, in cooperation with the Northern State Ministry of Social Welfare and with the support of UNICEF and the Dalgu Local Partnership. aims to strengthen the capacity of communities to resist disasters and crises. The course was launched in Dalgu locality with the participation of all sections of society in the locality, as well as expatriate women, people with disabilities and others. will continue in the locality for two days in the Dalgo Tundi Tagab team areas.
The executive director of Dalgo locality said that humanitarian aid organizations play an active and tangible role in all areas, especially in wars and disasters, and they support all areas of health, agriculture, development, services and others.
He spoke about the role of the community of Dalqo locality, inside and outside, in supporting and accompanying expatriates from the region and abroad by opening their homes. He explained that the locality of Dalqo does not have any accommodation center despite the presence of more than 36,000 expatriates. in the locality.
He explained that in the area of service provision, no distinction was made between the local community and expatriates, nor in the provision of services in the areas of health, education, agriculture and social aspects, nor in the participation of all components of society.
He said that expatriates have been integrated into the wheel of production in various fields, especially since the winter season in the locality of Dalqo experiences an increase in cultivated areas estimated at 80% of the cultivated area last season.
He emphasized that the locality of Dalgo pays attention to all segments of society, especially women and people with disabilities, and their participation in the resilience program, due to its importance and effective role in consolidating components of local society.
Hoping that the Resilience Program will achieve the objectives set for it by starting to work on development projects chosen and supervised by the local community.
He expressed his thanks to the Commissioner of the Northern State Humanitarian Aid Commission, the National Planning Organization, UNICEF, Sahara and all those who participated in the programme.
The commissioner of the Northern State Humanitarian Aid Commission explained that the resilience program aims to absorb shocks and select projects through the local component and according to its needs in the areas of water , especially after the disasters of war, floods and rain, and that the project will continue for two years, implemented and financed by UNICEF and the World Bank.
He congratulated the Dalgu locality executive director, Dalgu unit director, education officials and teachers of the locality for his excellence in the field of education by securing second place at the local level, and the Dalgu unit for securing first place. at all state unit level in Northern State College Examinations.
Spokespersons for UNICEF and other organizations explained that the resilience program aims to help absorb shocks when they occur and find solutions for the local community in the areas of health, environmental sanitation, education and protection, and that the program targets the northern regions. Nile and Kassala States for his role in voluntary and cooperative work between the components of society and in the implementation of development projects with effort.