Dalqo Locality: a long history and current achievements in light of environmental and development issues ✍️ Section by Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy for Police Pensions, Mr. Abdel Wahab

The locality of Dalqo is one of the localities of the northern state. It is located in the northern region of the state in the Nubia region and contains ancient ruins. It is a land of palm trees and cliffs as high as its palm trees and unshakable as its mountains. It is known for its authenticity and civilization since ancient times.

She was the one who made the voice of primary education heard in the field of formal education, as the only silent and sensible school was Dalgo Primary School, founded in 1912, among the first ten schools in Sudan, and distinguished personalities graduated from it, including constitutional officials, executives, leaders of the judiciary and security services and other leadership positions to this day.

Dalqo and its villages are considered a country of goodness, kindness, generosity and generosity. It extends its white hand to everyone it knows and does not know, instead of tolerance and peaceful coexistence, and there is no way for racism between them.

Indeed, and fortunately for this locality, the executive directors are generally chosen for it, from one choice to another, which made it a locality called Lebanon. All its executive and security agencies rest on the heart of a man. This is what adds to the ceiling of achievements that history records daily, despite the density of the population and the diversity of their tribes, especially those who came from the rest of the states to work in the field of gold prospecting, who find a state of security and stability of life.

In order to provide services to its citizens, the presidency of the locality of Dalqo and its administrative units, under the supervision of Mr. Mudathir Sharaf al-Din, Executive Director of the locality of Dalqo, examined the markets for the purpose of cleanliness, arrangement, organization, and the removal of negative elements that led to the deterioration of the environmental and security situation, as well as environmental sanitation campaigns, waste collection and treatment of stagnant water left by rains, reducing pollution factors, the spread of diseases and disease vectors. such as insects, animals and human waste, and combating negative phenomena that affect society and stability.

The locality's executive director also visited the shelters that brought them to live in these centers. He also visited the areas affected by the recent floods and rains, and examined the extent of the damage and contributed supplies of fuel, combustible materials, etc., which will help them in their daily lives.

There is not enough space to talk about the achievements of this locality, which has brought a lot to the inhabitants of the region in all areas, and we will come back to it, may God prolong it in time.

Victory to our armed forces, police, security and emergency personnel. Mercy to the martyrs, healing to the wounded and return to the missing.

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