Damra Al-Qarad said: O people of Shindi, what dignity is there when you are a thief who claimed the rights of others ✍️ Absher Shajarabi?

I wrote a report on the Azza Watan Dignity Forum which hosts the Popular Resistance Mobilization Committee, and it was widely published, thank God.

But I was surprised by this sentence, a commentary by the so-called Damra Al-Qarad, where he shortened the title about popular resistance and wrote underneath (*Glory to God, O people of Shindi, what dignity, and you are a thief of other people's rights*)

I have a conscience what theft you are talking about!!? Who among the people of Shindi stole from you!!?

Why didn't you report your theft to the authorities?!

I have heard you talk a lot in your capacity as *major general* and I myself do not know to which forces you belong

If your accusation concerns popular resistance, then I am not their lawyer, but my *patriotism*, which I do not doubt, and my professional pen require that I mention even a little, because I have worked for the Armed Forces newspaper in the early 80s of the last century, and I was the first to open an office for the newspaper in the northern region at that time in Al-Damir, and this was repeated in early 90s and, for your information, I worked during that time. the field of media in the armed forces and the police, which means honor and discipline. I participated in the battle for the liberation of Al-Nasser as a war correspondent, and I have traveled to all parts of Sudan at that time and its states today. and a number of countries in the region (*37*) years of media other than the refinement of studies, which means cumulative experience We are not accused There is no time in it, and this pen that we carry is called the *battle pen. * We fear no one's blame in the truth as long as we are in the cause of the truth.

We return to the theft of the inhabitants of Shindi. If you talk about the Dignity Forum, then the word *dignity* everyone knows its meaning and it was used for the first time by His Excellency Lieutenant General, First Corner *Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan* Commander of the Armed Forces , that is, it has not been monopolized or exclusive to anyone, because everyone seeks to preserve their dignity and the dignity and pride of the nation and now all media of all kinds are called and talk about dignity !!!

We know and trust the role of the resistance and the role of the Karama Forum, and my pen waits for you to tell me about your role in the Battle of Karama so that I can trust you.

But if you are talking about popular resistance, then I tell you: I cut this part of the writing

(*The owners of the Red Gang*) were members of the popular resistance who were equipped with faith, jihadist education and high morals after leaving their universities, their wives, their children and all the goods of the world and went to meet God. with their pure and pure bodies. Some of them met God, and some of them were waiting.

The popular resistance that we mentioned was not similar to the group that spread corruption on the ground during the era of the (funt) regime of Freedom and Change, which is the group that was called at the time (the Resistance Committees of the December Revolution), and it is these committees which blocked the roads and caused the death of hundreds of sick Sudanese. For those who could not reach hospitals, God's time will not be restored, and the current popular resistance is not like those legions of young people who staged a sit-in. -in the place of command, not to carry the Quran or to spread the religion of God on earth, but rather to stay awake all night (boys and girls) and violate the teachings of the religion of God on earth under the title (Freedom). Then, after that, they entrusted their manufactured revolution to the hands of the country's most ill-mannered, hard-working men and mercenaries, and they were the ones who managed the transition period.

Let all the Sudanese people and the people of civilization, democracy and secularism know that the *Popular Resistance*, which represents the Free Patriotic Movement, is the one that will govern the country in the future (*via the Fund*), and will not raise the banner of any party, tribe or religious sect, but rather will raise the banner of jihad and victory of the religion of God on earth before the homeland is satisfied with those who are satisfied, and my father of my father. . God is victorious, and you know without a doubt who is ruling it now and who founded it is known for their chastity and integrity.

What theft from the people of Shindi are you talking about!! ? .. Perhaps you have not heard or seen the detachments, support and support of the population of Shindi to its armed forces, to the intelligence services, to the police, to Mustafarin, to the Special Action Forces and the Popular Resistance. The people of Shindi are not thieves, but even the *women* provide them with training and support.

*Our pen has never gotten used to quarrels*

I deal professionally because God will question me on this pen on the Day of Resurrection about what I wrote with it, but you, Dhamra, commented on my published report accusing me and some of theft.

Why didn't you go to court to assert your rights!!? In addition, the press and the media, as observers, were available thanks to which you could express your grievances to public opinion, instead of writing in newspapers and social networks like activists, and the rank of *Major General* was available and all doors to the press and media were open.

I once heard an elderly person recount an example in the form of a dialogue between two people:

The first said: How much did you sell your brother…?

The other replied: I sold it for ninety tickets.

The first one said: (I authorized it)

I thought a lot about this proverb and was amazed at the brother who forgave his brother for eighty-nine mistakes, then after his ninetieth mistake, he abandoned his brothers.

I was even more surprised by the other person who blamed him for selling his brother for ninety tickets, as if he was saying: bear with more, because ninety tickets is not a suitable price for your brother. Its value has been reduced.

See how many mistakes your sibling is worth.

On the contrary, how much is it worth if he is a parent, brother-in-law, sister, brother, husband or wife, how much would any of us sell his mother or father for how much… ?

Anyone who contemplates our reality today and knows a little about the condition of people in society and the estrangement that has spread between people, will find someone who sold their friend, their relative or even one from his parents for a single mistake.

On the contrary, there are those who have sold all this without any other sin than that of distrusting or having obeyed a malicious, lying slanderer, and how many of them there are.

The true value of any person you have a relationship with will only be felt if you lose them to death, so don't follow your relationships with a number of missteps, no matter how many, and remember from the word of the Almighty:

(And those who restrain their anger and forgive people, and God loves those who do good.)

There's no point kissing an apology on the forehead of a dead person

Be kind to each other while you are alive.

Erase the error so that the brotherhood can continue, and do not erase the brotherhood because of the error.

Stop trying to score political points by repeating this nonsense and promoting narratives justifying war at the expense of people's suffering after it was started by terrorist militias. I hope some people won't identify with it. The war will end, God Almighty. voluntarily, and history witnesses and records it.

We will come back

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