Dar Hamed Heart… Honorable National Positions… Generous Support to the Armed Forces (Haganah) and the General Intelligence Service ✍️ Al-Fateh Abu Monsef See More

The Darhamid tribe and the All-Dar Hamid Union provided in-kind and moral support to the “Hagana” armed forces and the General Intelligence Service of North Kordofan State during the Battle of Karama. The tribe and its members all confirmed their support. The armed forces, other regular forces and the Mustafarin as they fought the bastards of the Janjaweed rebel militia who violated their honor and plundered their property. The Darhamid tribe renewed its commitment to continue its path in favor of national issues, defend the soil of this country. , and support its armed forces and other regular forces with money, men and ideas.

What was observed in the hall of Field Marshal Abdel Rahman Siwar Al-Dhahab in the government secretariat in Al-Obeid, in the presence of the governor of North Kordofan, members of his government, the state security committee, the leader of the popular resistance, the head of the judiciary, the men of the civil administration, the notables and leaders of the state community, confirm that the people of North Kordofan, with their various entities, support the regular agencies in the battle for the dignity embodied by the Darhamid tribe. the great meanings and values ​​of national cohesion by providing significant and generous support to these regular forces in a battle imposed on the Sudanese people and their regular forces, the Darhamid tribe has demonstrated that the military forces will not fight alone, but behind them and under their banner are groups ready to sacrifice themselves and their lives for the soil of the homeland.

This great support in kind is not strange for Dar Hamed, who has a brilliant history and honorable positions in favor of the nation's problems. Dar Hamed was previously in the projects of the Renaissance Nafeer of North Kordofan, and today, he has renewed his commitment. and promise to stand alongside the armed forces (the Haggana or the SAS Reishes Army) and the General Intelligence Service (Yajin Security) to defeat and crush these rebels, mercenaries and their fifth column agents.

A few days ago, Dar Hamid formed a striking national presence and wrote a large placard indicating to the armed forces and other regular forces that this support would not be the first or the last, rather confirming that support for the nation's problems continues. presence of a society whose newspapers have been and continue to be white throughout history in preserving history and heritage. A position in which everyone renewed their commitment to move forward with strong determination to defeat the rebels and cleanse the country of those who defiled it, insulted honor and plundered property. Everyone had confidence in Nasrallah and in the eradication of traitors, collaborators and those who identified with the rebel militias.

The in-kind and moral support provided by the Dar Hamid tribe to the armed forces and the general intelligence services in the battle for the dignity of the nation will have a lasting and renewed impact, and the history of this tribe will be preserved for these immortal positions. within the framework of the programs and objectives of the popular resistance in the state. The support of the Dar Hamid tribe confirmed that North Kordofan is rich in loyal men, which is required from every community in North Kordofan with money, efforts and men for the pride. , dignity and glory of the nation, for the protection of the land and honor, and for the citizen to live a decent life.

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