Darfur Coordination and Armed Forces Support in Shindi agree to mobilize popular efforts for the benefit of Sudan

The Darfur Coordination Committee and the Supreme Authority for Supporting the Armed Forces in Shindi have agreed to support the armed forces until the country overcomes the reality created by the war imposed on it.

The meeting, which was held in the city of Shendi, said that the armed forces are the safety valve of Sudan and that popular support must be mobilized and popular resistance strengthened in order to support the armed forces.

The head of the Darfur coordination delegation, Muhammad Hamid, said that this visit aims again to strengthen coordination between the popular forces in Sudan and to create a body to express them so that Sudan remains united, united, safe and stable.

He stressed that this delegation includes the Popular Support and Resistance Committee and civilian leaders from Darfur. One of the objectives of the delegation's tour, which includes the eastern states, the administrative capital of Boris Sudan and now the Nile, is to repair the social fabric and defeat the militias that targeted citizens by killing, looting, raping and destroying infrastructure.

The Deputy Chief Superintendent of the Jaaleen Tribes, Muhammad Ibrahim Wad Al-Bay, confirmed that the Rapid Support Militia and its collaborators have no place on the political and social map of Sudan after committing crimes against Sudan and its people that violate all divine legislation and international laws.

Nazir al-Jaaliin called for developing a comprehensive and comprehensive plan for the post-war period aimed at filling all the gaps revealed by the war

The Executive Director of Shendi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, who received the delegation in his locality, said that Shendi locality is a large locality and the burden of securing Sudan and the Nile State falls on it due to geographical and other characteristics.

He highlighted the great efforts made by Shendi in the security process and the challenges faced by the security authorities in order to maintain security and stability in the locality, in the Nile State and in the rest of the states open to the locality from all sides.

In the photo, the Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, and the Deputy General Superintendent of Ja'alien Tribes, Muhammad Ibrahim Wad Al-Bey, receive the Darfur coordination delegation at the entrance of the locality.

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