Death under humanitarian cover – scattered fragments – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din al-Lawyer

After the countries conspiring against Sudan lost all their tactics to achieve their goals, they resorted to the last alternative plans, which are to support the rebellion with weapons, ammunition and mutilation in the name of humanitarian aid through organizations (created specifically for this purpose).

Not far away is the Lifeline during the Southern War, which supported John Garang's forces with weapons, ammunition and supplies.

The plan of America, Britain and the United Arab Emirates acts under the banner of humanity to provide a lifeline to the rebel forces in order to prolong the war by providing weapons, military equipment and food to the militia forces and providing them with food, which will inevitably be used to blackmail citizens residing in areas under the control of the militia in order to achieve their goals of recruitment and loyalty and collecting information about the movements of the army and its supporters, as well as suppressing opponents.

The government is responsible for ensuring the sovereignty of the country and relieving its citizens from famine.

If the government fails to provide relief and humanitarian assistance from its local resources, it must seek assistance abroad in accordance with conditions and controls that respect the legitimacy of the government through its mechanisms and supervision in coordinating the delivery of relief to all regions of the country.

The intelligence services are seeking to reduce the monitoring and supervision role of the legitimate government of Sudan in humanitarian aid. The body that manages the relief file is the Humanitarian Aid Commission and the relevant ministries and agencies.

At a United Nations session hosted by the Emirates, and after the intensification of airstrikes against the militia, Britain presented a project under the guise of improving the humanitarian situation in El Fasher and intervening directly in relief operations to supply the militia under this cover. The necessary conditions must be put in place to ensure the safety and security of cross-border relief shipments and ensure that they are free from anything that harms the security and safety of the country, while ensuring that relief reaches the real beneficiaries and reducing the militia's benefit to a minimum. The importance of establishing monitoring mechanisms on the ground that facilitate the monitoring of violations committed by the militias in order to help the government make any decision it deems appropriate regarding the future of the operation depending on the developments on the ground.

The Russian state abstained from voting, while China amended the paragraphs of the draft, which did not reach the decision stage, but only recommended the submitted draft, and thus canceled it.

Care must be taken to select entry points for border relief in areas beyond the control of the rebellion and to represent humanitarian aid, security agencies and government institutions to carry out their tasks.

As for the repeated conferences, the most recent of which is that of Geneva, they are a pretext and an attempt to push through the agenda of the countries which are trying to impose the fait accompli and to implement the Masonic plan on the nation.

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