Decisions of the Governor of the Red Sea State….. Your place is a secret ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The Governor of Red Sea State, retired Major General Mustafa Mohamed Nour Mahmoud, has issued several local emergency orders based on the powers and authorities granted to him by the emergency law.

Among these ordinances is an emergency ordinance prohibiting the use of weapons at weddings. Unfortunately, citizens have not complied with the text of the ordinance and it has become an annoying phenomenon without them competing to poison the atmosphere. its cold that irritates the nose.

There are many recorded experiences where a wedding event was turned into a funeral to receive condolences following stray bullets hitting one of the attendees who was under God's protection, and the evidence of this is numerous and documented by the police in the report recordings.

The problem is not making the decision, but the problem lies in monitoring the implementation of the decision on the ground, and this is not done sitting in air-conditioned offices and behind the dark gray windows that characterize the office of the governor of the Red Sea State, and this is only done through paid field work to monitor the implementation of decisions.

A previous directive was issued to and from the Red Sea State for the presence of local executive directors in their localities to follow up and resolve the problems of the citizens. Unfortunately, some local executive directors are constantly present in the city of Port Sudan. , but there is a matter of the utmost importance. The governor cannot force them to implement his directives and not provide them with the simplest working elements, including means of travel.

Motorcycles without license plates roam the markets of Port Sudan city due to the weak traffic control campaigns carried out by the relevant authorities, in addition to not restricting a person from riding a motorcycle (motor) and not having another person with him (Mardov).

The use of motorcycles (motorbikes) in crimes of theft and looting (9 long), especially near the Al-Baraka dairy complex, which contains about 650 livestock pens and contains about 15,000,000 heads of different types of livestock, and incidents of looting are frequent from time to time, which poses a threat to security.

The campaigns carried out by the security services over the past two days to combat negative phenomena have been excellent and timely and according to security information from several sources, we hope that their role will not be limited to the main sites in the country. in the markets of the city of Port Sudan. They must go to the outlying neighborhoods where drugs of all kinds are widespread, especially as the country celebrates World Drug Day.

The Red Sea State Security Committee, headed by the state governor, has a heavy responsibility to address security gaps, and this can only be done by broadening security concepts and moving away from traditional performances.

Crime is not the same as it used to be. There are modern ways to commit crime in completely different ways. Therefore, the security system must think outside the box by inventing modern ways to prevent crime from happening.

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