Delivery of solar energy systems to Al-Jabalain Hospital, implemented by the Global Aid Hand Organization, White Nile Office

The Global Aid Hand organization, White Nile office, completed the delivery of solar energy systems to Al-Jabalain Hospital this morning after the completion of their installation, which was implemented by the organization with funding from the United Nations Population Fund, at a total estimated cost of over one hundred and forty-five million pounds, in full and close coordination between the State Ministry of Health and Social Development and the relevant authorities .

It was in the presence of Mr. Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah, Deputy Executive Director of Al-Jabalin locality, Mr. Bushra Mahdi, representative of the State Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, as well as representatives of the Committee of local security, indigenous administration and youth.

The Deputy Executive Director of Al-Jabalain locality praised the considerable and extraordinary efforts of the Global Aid Hand organization in the implementation of solar energy systems for Al-Jabalain Hospital, which constituted a qualitative addition to the performance and made it possible to achieve stability in the operating room and the blood bank, women and obstetrics He expressed his thanks to the organization and said that the locality aspires to establish more partnerships with the organization in the implementation of a similar solar energy project for the Al-Jabalain water station to provide pure and stable water to the local population.

For his part, Mr. Mukhtar Al-Shafie, Director of Global Aid Hand Organization, White Nile Office, said that this project was implemented in accordance with the guidelines of the State Health Card in coordination with the Ministry of Health. Health, which covered four different units of Al-Jabalain Hospital, which are the blood bank and small and large operations, indicating that the organization works in the sector of health, nutrition, education and protection, and looks forward to greater coordination and joint efforts with all state agencies. His Excellency commended the United Nations Population Fund for financing this project, the security and implementing agencies, as well as the Humanitarian Aid Commission, who contributed with the organization to carry out the project on the ground and achieve stability in the health sector in the state. -Shafi'i affirmed the organization's efforts to implement more projects similar to the solar energy project in a number of localities.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hassan Ahmed Hassan, Liaison Officer of Global Aid Hand, White Nile office, provided a detailed explanation of the project implementation steps and its implications for the health services provided to the inhabitants of the locality of Jabalain. the need to network between institutions to benefit from subsidies granted by organizations to promote and develop the various services in the region.

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