Delve deeper into the challenges of the Arqin and Qastal passages – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Transitional Sovereignty Council has taken a decisive decision to give top priority to the monitoring of Sudanese border crossings. This decision comes in light of the exceptional circumstances facing Sudan, which require judicious and swift management of its vital crossings. The Arqin and Qastal crossings, which are the two main arteries of trade and humanitarian exchanges between Sudan and Egypt, are of particular importance, as they face major challenges that require urgent solutions.

The Sovereignty Council’s decision is a strategic step aimed at achieving several interrelated objectives, including strengthening national security through direct control of crossing points. The Council seeks to limit illegal infiltration, combat organized crime and human trafficking, and ensure border security, in addition to regulating the flow of trade. The decision contributes to regulating cross-border trade movements and facilitating customs procedures, which supports the Sudanese economy and strengthens its trade relations with neighboring countries, in addition to addressing humanitarian needs in light of the humanitarian crisis Sudan is suffering, the decision aims to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid and distribute it to those in need throughout Sudan. The decision reflects Sudan’s commitment to international cooperation and compliance with international laws and standards related to border management.

The Arqin and Qastal crossings face multiple challenges, including severe truck overcrowding. Both crossings suffer from severe truck overcrowding, which leads to a significant delay in the movement of goods and an accumulation of material losses for traders and drivers, with customs procedures. Customs procedures differ between the Sudanese and Egyptian sides, which increases complications, leading to delays in completing transactions, and the crossings suffer from a lack of necessary infrastructure to facilitate movement, such as roads, parking lots, and warehouses. Added to this is the spread of corruption that sometimes leads to the exploitation of drivers and traders, which increases transport costs and reduces the efficiency of crossings.

One of the proposals to solve these challenges is the need to modernize the customs systems of the two countries and the procedures must be unified to facilitate the movement of goods, while developing infrastructure. Corruption must be fought firmly and strict measures must be taken against those involved in it, while strengthening regional cooperation between Sudan, Egypt and neighboring countries. exchange experiences and coordinate efforts in the field of border management.

The decision of the Sovereignty Council to give top priority to border crossing monitoring is a step in the right direction. However, the success of this decision requires the combined efforts of all parties concerned and the implementation of clear plans to address the challenges facing the crossings. It also requires the necessary support from the international community to help implement these plans.

Among the specific recommendations is the need to form a joint committee between Sudan and Egypt to study the situation of the crossings and propose appropriate solutions, and allocate sufficient budget to develop the infrastructure of the crossings, with the need to train workers at the crossings on the latest methods of border management, and activate the role of civil society in monitoring the work of the crossings, with the use of the media to highlight the role of the crossings, especially solutions and data journalism.

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