Dengue fever – whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*For three days and three nights I suffered from fever accompanied by sweating, severe joint pain and general listlessness with poor appetite. At first I thought it was malaria. I went to a pharmacy to buy a malaria treatment. but the pharmacist advised me to see a doctor so he could write me a prescription. In fact, I went to the internal medicine specialist, who did the tests, and after receiving the Easter result, the doctor told me that I had dengue fever. and I said to myself (this is not our country). Then he wrote me a prescription for dengue fever treatment. Due to my lack of familiarity with this disease, I started looking for its causes so that it would be a dose of. awareness for all those who will read this column*.

* Dengue is transmitted by a specific type of mosquito and is not transmitted by the female Anopheles, which transmits malaria. Signs of this disease include high temperatures, severe headaches, intense body sweating, severe joint pain, and general listlessness. body, in addition to lack of appetite. It can be said that there are common signs between this and malaria, but when the tests are done, there is no malaria, but there is a weakness of red blood cells*.

*The treatment protocol followed for dengue includes antibiotics, Panadol suppositories, Regger suppositories, Panadol pills, two tablets every six hours, vitamin C, plenty of fluid intake and eating fruits as much as possible. Dengue causes complications that appear on the body. patient and vary from patient to patient and vary depending on the health condition of the patient*.

*From my experience these days, I advise using mosquito nets to prevent this disease, because dengue fever causes pain that only those who have been infected with it know. We ask God to protect you from this dreaded disease. , and we ask God to place this disease in the balance of our good deeds, if God Almighty wills.*

Half a fork

*We know for sure that there is a cure for every disease except death, and the answer to taking dengue medication remains the shortest path to recovery, with the will and power of God.*

A quarter of a fork

*We ask God for your forgiveness and well-being*.

(email protected)

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