Deputy Chairperson of the Sudanese Women's Union and Coordinator of the Northern Sector (Khartoum, Nile, North), Dr. Mona Amer, congratulates the armed forces on the occasion of the 70th Eid

It is with great pride and pride that we, in the General Union of Sudanese Women, are pleased and honored to extend our warm congratulations to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and through him to all the leaders of the armed forces with their various ranks and reserved positions, and special congratulations to the armed forces, the National Security and Intelligence Service and the rest of the other regular forces in the locality of Karari, and special greetings and congratulations to the Sudanese women who support our armed forces with creative projects, represented by the project to support the knights of my country (support convoys), the computer knights project and the Habab Al-Jana project, which supports forced migrants. We also salute them in their position. in moral and psychological support to the wounded. We always affirm that the women of my country are with the popular armed forces in one trench, supporting… sympathizers… Happy New Year, and we ask God Almighty that we witness the army's fight. celebrations next year while Sudan is safe… stable… prosperous… civilized…

*Dr Mona Amer Ali / Deputy President of the Sudanese Women's Union and Coordinator of the North, Khartoum, Nile and Northern Sectors,*

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