Despite the betrayal and heinous actions of the rebels, the Sudanese army adheres to international laws regarding the treatment of prisoners and the dead – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

In light of the successive victories that the Sudanese Armed Forces continued to achieve over the Rapid Support Militia on the ground in different theaters of operations and in the media, Sudanese diplomacy, through the UN Security Council, managed to adopt convincing evidence and evidence condemning the terrorist acts carried out by the militias and condemning the countries that support them, led by the United Arab Emirates, despite the complicity. With the slow pace of proceedings and attempts to bury the matter, militia media and their supporters have published fabricated and fake videos with the aim of fabricating. accusations against the Sudanese army that it treats prisoners in a manner inconsistent with international laws, in an obvious scandal carried out by rebel media to cover up their media, on-the-ground and moral losses.

Forgetting that the Sudanese armed forces enjoy a good reputation throughout the world.

What is truly gratifying is that these miserable attempts have not succeeded and have failed to weaken the Sudanese armed forces, which have proven their ability to withstand shocks. Today, they are inflicting defeats on the rapid support militia in different axes of combat. let us respect those who fought it on the ground, and this was manifested in the good treatment of prisoners in detention centers. Those killed on the battlefields are buried in their honor and with the testimony of all enemies before their friends.

Moreover, even in the past, when Khalil's forces entered Khartoum and Omdurman, although their actions differed from those of the rapid support rebel militias, the armed forces did not treat them the same, but rather buried their dead and shrouded them according to their own rules. to what the true religion stipulated, as well as to treating prisoners with dignity in accordance with international standards and conventions.

Despite the brutal betrayal to which the Sudanese Armed Forces, the nation, the citizens and the constitutionalists have suffered at the hands of the rapid support rebel militias, and their undignified treatment of the army's prisoners and martyrs, such as the incident According to former governor Khamis Abkar, the Sudanese armed forces did not treat them equally, but rather adhered to international conventions, customs and laws, so that today they are striking. The most wonderful example of this is when they buried the body of Soudan. the rebel Ali Yaqoub, the rebel leader of El Fasher, according to Islamic customs, principles and values, despite the criminal acts he committed against the armed forces and the nation, and did not want to mention them out of respect for the dead, because our noble religion urges us to do so.

The barbaric attack that Sudan was subjected to by these mercenaries and politicians, fighters and paid mercenaries has never happened anywhere in the world in recent history. It is considered one of the heinous crimes in terms of mass murders, rapes, robberies and systematic sabotage of private people. and government institutions and citizens' homes. However, we note that the Security Council is still hesitant to take action against countries supporting this rebellion, despite the evidence provided by international organizations and Sudanese Ambassador Al-Harith Idris, and cooperation. of the armed forces, their respect for all international systems and their cooperation with the Security Council in this war.

The treatment of prisoners by armed forces in accordance with international standards and laws does not require proof. It is enough that the Sudanese citizen, before becoming a soldier in the armed forces, is known for his chivalry, chivalry and generosity in peace. and war. It's mine, so how can it be when it's part of the armed forces that have left behind leaders and individuals who are documented as having skill and discipline, due to the fact that a number of countries Arabs, Africans and others sent theirs? personnel to be trained with the Sudanese Army at the Military College, Den of Heroes, is nothing other than proof, full recognition and conviction on the part of these countries of the integrity and valor of the forces Sudanese armies.

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