Despite the two generals' denial of the outbreak of war: was the military establishment planning to eliminate Rapid Support 00? – Loose – ✍️ Abdul Salam Al-Qarai

Several months before the outbreak of the war, wise men and women had warned of an imminent clash between the army and the Rapid Support, and the response came from the two generals (at the time), Al-Burhan and Hemedti, with absolutely no intention of a war breaking out between the two forces.

Despite assurances from the leaders of both sides, the bloody war breaks out, and in the heart of Khartoum, the capital, which is nothing like the capitals around us

Then the war spread to include 100,000 civilians on the island.

As a result, after the outbreak of the cursed war, the two generals were not honest, or rather they maneuvered, and it can be said that General Hemedti was lying, and the evidence is that it was a rebellion, that is, it started from “the will of the military institution.” This confirms that he had the intention to change after the “coup” against the army, but against his colleague, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Mr. Al-Burhan, who took power.

As for the military establishment, represented by Mr. Al-Burhan, it considered eliminating rapid support through war because the solutions led to a dead end, including (the silence of the framework agreement) 0000. The most important point is that rapid support has become a force that cannot be underestimated and must be eliminated.

In the view of the leaders of the military establishment, there is no way to achieve this except by waging war on it, that is, by providing it with rapid support and dismantling it, because military logic dictates that the presence of two armies in Sudan constitutes a threat to the stability of the country and its people.

Despite the devastation, destruction, displacement and murder of innocent citizens, we have the right to say that the planning of the military leaders has succeeded with distinction.

However, as the tone continues, new maneuvers led by the Americans are looming on the horizon, the aim of which is to preserve what remains of the Rapid Support Force, to represent a new pressure card for the leaders of the armies in the upcoming negotiations.

The question is: Do the military leaders have a new plan to make America and its allies miss the opportunity while preserving the dignity of the Sudanese people, that is, the leaders of the military establishment?

In general, the ball is now in the court of the army commanders to continue the same planning that has eluded many political and military observers. The army's major victory is to rid the Sudanese people of the Rapid Support and Freedom and Change political parties, the political incubator of the Rapid Support (the rebel forces).

The question is: did the war end with the victory of the army and the loss of rapid support? This is what most observers and even many eyewitnesses say?

Fear still dominates the majority of Sudanese, especially regarding conflicting information (news of the war and the course of the battles). Although this part is specific to the military institution, the Sudanese, especially after witnessing the calamities of the war, have begun to fear prolonging the war.

Recently, there have been reports among citizens that the surrender of a large number of rapid support troops will have consequences.

The question is why the pillar goes to the Third Division, Shendi

Despite some assurances, many remain worried.

In this regard, we assure everyone that the military establishment is awake and continues to implement its plans aimed at spreading peace on Sudanese land in the manner it deems appropriate and at the appropriate time.

Oh my God, grant victory to the armed forces over the enemies of religion and homeland

May you stay safe and healthy

An activist posted on social media a joint recording of the two generals in which they confirmed that the cursed war would not break out.

This is what prompted me to write this presentation.

I wonder who is honest and who is lying among the two generals.

For my part, I say that the proof does not maneuver.

May you stay safe

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