Diplomatic targeting… has it entered the media battle?!! – Chemins – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine See More

One of the most important words of the late Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi after the fall of his power or government due to the coup of the National Salvation Revolution led by Omar Al-Bashir in 1989 AD. -Mahdi said: “Al-Raya” and its sisters brought me down, and Al-Raya is the newspaper speaking on behalf of the Islamic Front that led the opposition at the time when Al-Sadiq was in power. Al-Mahdi is a leader, and his brothers are the newspapers that supported the National Islamic Front, such as Alwan, Al-Isboa, Al-Sudani and others.
The decision that Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi regretted was to (dissolve) the newspapers (Al-Ayyam) and (Al-Sahafa), which were two national newspapers that could have been a media support for him, and he dissolved them as they were newspapers of the Mayan regime.
The gist of Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi's statement is that a political figure is always vulnerable to political and media assassinations, whether by the opposition or by other competing political forces, and that the opposition media hunts down the government's mistakes in order to erect a gallows to kill them.
Similarly, the press known in the West as the “yellow” press, known in some European countries as the “tabloid”, which tracks down the scandals of royal families in Europe, or the failings of social figures in the Old Continent. The purpose of the press in publishing these scandals is to make a profit and increase the circulation of the newspaper.
In sports journalism, it is not uncommon for newspapers loyal to certain clubs to target their opponents, whether they are players, administrators or club presidents, in order to degrade them.
But we have never seen before the media or newspapers, or even social networks, targeting a well-known (diplomatic) personality. Political, sports and social targeting is possible for the reasons mentioned above. ambassador) is a new and unacceptable matter, if the competition is political and sports. This matter was imposed, because in diplomatic work it is out of the question, given that the ambassador is a state employee and he is governed by existing norms and controls. his work, and there is no competition in the first place. And if the diplomat or ambassador violates these norms, then his matter will be obvious and he does not need the media to find out about it or social networking sites to write about him.
But the strange and striking need for attention is the continuous and desperate attempt targeting the Sudanese ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, Ambassador Dr. Salah Al-Hajj Al-Kandu, by parties unknown or that may be known to some parties, and they are always trying to harm this ambassador without clear reasons, and since he took over the leadership of the Sudanese embassy in the Sultanate of Amman, about two years ago, this party has continued to pursue the ambassador with accusations and rumors, trying to harm him in any way. as if it were a “revenge” against him.
And all these lies and accusations spread by this party will end with time, because they are not based on “legs” and are not based on “facts.” continues to spread lies, lies and rumors that will die in due time, but this insistence. The strange thing is what makes us wonder what this party expects from Ambassador Dr. Salah Al-Hajj Al-Kandu, while he achieves success after success, strengthens relations with the Sultanate of Oman and achieves more gains and interests in various fields for the benefit of both countries.
The situation of those who target him with lies, falsehoods and rumors is like the situation of a palm tree, which they throw with “stones” and he throws at them with “dates”, which is in reality a “palm tree” whose root is firmly established and whose branches are in the sky with knowledge, morality, etiquette and good taste.