Director General of Nile Economic Affairs oversees the importation of strategic goods and livelihoods of the people of Shindi

Mr. Abdul Qayyum Abdul Wahab Ali, Director of Economic Affairs and Rapporteur of the Emergency Economic Committee in Shindi, warned owners and agents of municipal bakeries and ovens against increasing bread prices and ordered them not to sell a piece of bread for (100) pounds, whatever its size and weight.

This was clearly established after the field visit carried out by the Economic Committee to all ovens and bakeries in Shendi City, accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Awad Al-Karim, the Supreme Prosecutor, and which included (46) bakeries . numerous controls to preserve the rights of citizens and bakers.

On another level, Mr. Abdel Qayyum Abdel Wahab received the delegation of the Nile State Economic Committee, led by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Director General of State Economic Affairs, where the delegation reviewed the economic situation of the locality. , in particular the importation of strategic goods, the livelihoods of the people and the work of the committee in the locality.

The delegation also met the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, as well as the owners and managers of gas depots.

The delegation stopped at the corn market, which welcomed the new imported merchants, feeling the problems and obstacles.

Mr. Abdul Qayyum Abdul Wahab confirmed the availability of flour and petroleum products such as gasoline, gasoline and baking and cooking gas.

The Director of Economic Affairs of Shindi explained that the committee is working on the exit of food and food supplies from the locality to Karari in Umm Rumman in accordance with controls, regulations and approvals to avoid the appearance of gaps.

It should be noted that the head of the Economic Committee delegation to the state was accompanied by Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Jaali, Director General of the Ministry of Transport and Oil, and Mr. Omar Mustafa, Director of the office. Ministry of Foreign Trade.




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