Director of Health Insurance, North Kordofan Branch: Plan to restore medical service in 21 ports interrupted due to war

The North Kordofan State Health Insurance Branch Administration continues to move between different localities of the state to restore its medical services to the citizens of the localities.

The meeting was held with the director of state health insurance and the executive director of the locality of Jabrat al-Sheikh, in the presence of the national commissioner for investments, a representative of the locality's population, the director of health affairs in the locality, and the health insurance services.

Thanks to him, a report was presented on the current state of the medical service and the coverage of the population in the locality.

The Director of Health Insurance of the North Kordofan State Branch, Dr. Khattab Al-Samani, explained the plan of the State Health Insurance Administration to restore medical service in the locality through Hamrat Al-Waz Hospital and Kajmar Hospital, as well as the readiness of the health insurance of the state to support the targeted hospitals and carry out the necessary interventions to restore medical services in the locality.

The Executive Director of Jabra Al-Sheikh Locality, Mr. Muhammad Al-Daw Ali, stressed in his speech the importance of the meeting in reaching a clear vision of providing medical services to the citizens of the locality and achieving breakthroughs despite the great challenge and security conditions in the locality that led to the closure of 21 outlets providing medical services, emphasizing the work to restore the service under the administration of Hamrat Al-Waz and the administration of Kajar through Hamrat Al-Waz Hospital, Kajar Hospital and the administration of Kajar. a number of centers, in coordination with the relevant authorities, thanked the State Health Insurance Administration for its efforts in providing medical services.

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