Director of the General Department of Agriculture of Shindi: We seek to take advantage of the water that has flooded all local lands to achieve food security ✍️ Report by Absher Shajarabi

*Mohamed Musa*: Maize seeds were provided by FAO and peace organizations, and the target was (*5,900*) acres.

Reported by Absher Shajarabi

Shindi's Agriculture Department is working as a team to ensure food security and address the major challenges facing the country.

The Director of the General Department of Agriculture in Shindi locality, an agricultural engineer, Muhammad Musa, confirmed that the efforts of his administration were geared towards planting in all traffic areas in order to benefit from the planting of all areas flooded with rainwater. He added that the cultivated area is. estimated at (*33,290*) acres, represented by (*11,300* (rain-fed acres) and *(14,750*) irrigated acres, next to *(7,190*) irrigated acres of vegetables, in addition to (50) acres of onions, between private, public and investment projects planted with corn and vegetables until August 25, 2024 AD.

Engineer Muhammad Musa, Director of the General Administration of Agriculture, confirmed that there are many areas characterized by high fertility in the regions of Abu Jadad. Abu Qaydoum; Abu Talih; Wadi Douma; Happy Valley; Wadi Al-Zarq; The mih; Wadi Al Arous; Karbakan; Al-Otib; Eye of the wheel; Abu Hashem; Wadi Al Banat; Pant; Naqaa and Musawwarat; Adversity; Tibia; Rumaila; Abdotab gears; Pleasure; Al-Qahid; Acidosis; Umm Hatab; Abu Talah; Al-Hawad.

Cultivation of these areas helps to ensure food for the high population density, calling on citizens to turn to agriculture and increase production and productivity.

He stressed that FAO, in cooperation with the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, has provided seeds amounting to *(59)* tonnes of maize and dahmad.

Distributed to all administrative units

In addition, the rain-fed agricultural areas of Abu Dliq and Wadi Al-Hajj, as well as a number of expatriate sheikhs from Khalawi, were granted land in eastern Kabushiya, as well as seeds for rain-fed agriculture.

Stressing that the areas exceed the target, stressing that Sudan will not suffer from hunger.

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