Displaced people in Gedaref must be honored – it's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

We have seen, after the recent events in the city of Sinja, that everything is fine now, after the armed forces cleared it of the invading militias, who had no choice but to flee into the desert in search of a place far from the eyes of our armed forces, who are looking for them and will continue to pursue them wherever they flee.

As His Excellency Lieutenant General Al-Burhan explicitly said: “We are this country and we cannot do both.”

Clear and unvarnished speech that the armed forces continue to cleanse Sudan of rebellion and invaders

Regarding the title of the displaced persons of Gedaref, they must be honored. We know very well that the government of Gedaref State, represented by the Ministry of Finance, the Zakat Office and the charitable initiatives of the people of Gedaref, is always there, trying as much as possible to provide everything in its power.

But the tragedy is serious because among the displaced there are children and women who cannot bear this suffering.

Knowing that they left their home

In a hurry, they have nothing to help them

I have to bear the consequences of the displacement, especially as they face an unknown fate as they head towards Gedaref State, or Gedaref Al-Khair, if you prefer.

We, the people of Gedaref, must therefore support them and provide them with shelter, food, clothing and medicine, knowing that among the displaced there are children, women and the elderly, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases and who need food and medicine.

It has been reported that the Gedaref government has equipped the land port, which is under construction, and added important facilities such as toilets, lighting and guards. Given that the number of people who have migrated to Gedaref is huge, it is natural that the new arrivals. land port built so as not to contribute. Therefore, the Gedaref government and the citizens of Gedaref, without exception, must try to find new shelters to accommodate this large number of displaced people.

He therefore proposed to distribute them among the districts.

In vacant residential land in all neighborhoods and buildings

The zinc umbrellas were delivered quickly, and this was done thanks to a donation from the owners of empty rooms to shelter the arrivals in Gedaref. From here, we appeal to the men of Gedaref to donate.

With what they can to build these umbrellas

In the vacant lots of all the neighborhoods of Gedaref… far from the schools in which studies have recently resumed, but the sheltering process is not at the expense of education and the educational process. In my opinion, if efforts are combined, Gedaref. will accommodate these brothers and things will go normally, and the residents of the neighborhoods that have empty residential plots must contribute. It provides housing for expatriates and provides food and drinks.

With the effort of the government and the efforts of philanthropists, in addition to the Zakat Office, which has provided a lot and the pressure on it is great, we must understand this well.

We must also involve banks, institutions and companies in this good, without a doubt.

The reward and the reward are from the Lord, Glory be to Him, and we act according to the word (and a good deed is rewarded ten times like it and God will not waste the reward of those who do good until this cloud clears), and whoever seeks refuge with you will receive his reward…

Greetings to all those who have contributed to providing aid and assistance to the displaced, and we have no doubt that victory is near, God willing, thanks be to God first, then to the forces.

The armed forces are fighting on all fronts, with the help of the popular resistance, the Mustafa'in and other regular forces.

Sheltering displaced people is a great humanitarian work, and we should not miss this reward from the Lord, Glory be to Him, and good deeds protect us from evil.

May God protect Gedaref and the honorable people of Gedaref without exception.

Be careful..

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