Division Commander (18) Bahr Abyad – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

The expansion of military operations means…

A simple increase in costs…

Humanity, materialism, the cost of time for those who don't understand…

What increases losses with these two elements, let's move on

Because of their terrible repercussions…

The military institution is legally authorized

Professional identification of options…

And make plans, implement them on the ground and define

Time and location according to data…

This is an important and important rule that must be established

A place of interest and proximity…

War is not managed individually, in the sense of all

A leader decides and implements his decision…

There is a central piece that controls this…

Determines priorities and needs…

Consult all parties concerned, when

Necessary measures are being taken…

With facts, not theory and unacceptable logic

Distortion and distortion…

Recently, a campaign was organized

Balmedia against the team leader (18)…

I don't know him, I haven't met him, but I continued

Throughout the past period, I have followed him…

Following my follow-up, I learned that his choice had been made

By standards, this was not done in vain or at random…

His accumulated military experience and professional training…

Its loyalty to the terroir is undeniable…

One of the pillars of his war was Colonel Muhammad Khalifa, who

He spared no effort to master his role…

There is evil next to the State, and imminent evil lurks around…

His eye watches over the night and the end of the day…

His worry and concern is to ensure hope in the state…

Its members are distributed in the desert and distant regions

To anticipate imminent danger…

The Rapid Support militia has invaded the upstate…

This caused havoc, murder, intimidation, theft and much more.

This is a shameful atrocity…

What happens around us hurts us, disrupts our sleep…

The same pain, I assure you, tears this man's heart

Leader (Sami Al-Tayeb) and more…

The tasks assigned to him are overwhelming

Vertical mountains…

Some do it intentionally and others do it unconsciously.

They hold him responsible for what is happening in order to fire him…

I disagree in this context with these and those…

Impeachment is not subject to emotional evaluations…

The campaign aimed to arouse public opinion…

To cut the link between the people and the army…

They released information in the media to arouse suspicion…

By intimidating the enemy and discouraging him, stabbing him

With intentions, to divide ranks and reverse the facts…

We must face the campaign with immediate awareness…

Develop the spirit of loyalty and belonging to the army…

To abort the conspiracy and put an end to its secretions…

State journalists don't care about defense…

They read this nonsense, stay silent and close their eyes

The party gave me a stranger…

They are eager for news from those in charge to motivate themselves

It does not gain weight and does not sing from hunger…

Sharing is war, there is no middle ground…

Resist these absurd and petty campaigns

Against the leaders of the army…

They did not write about the army's response to the rebellion

In the embezzlement and losses suffered…

Except a little news publicized by our colleague Baqadi

And Abdul Khaleq Badi…

If the rebellion progresses, highlight the event

The media is full of nonsense, nastiness and stupidity…

He who considers war a pleasure must keep quiet…

The one who writes in the media is lying on the sofa

Stay, it's an illusion…

He who practices theorizing thinks that war is a game


Its nature and complexity require vision

Good planning…

Definition of stage, effectiveness, control, monitoring and evaluation…

Man wins the war, not weapons…

The influence of the human factor is important in general aspects…

The aim is to reduce conflicts in military fields

Lest the human mass disintegrate…

Breaking it means we will reach a state of failure…

Human power builds the army and fully supports it…

The militia is expanding into the northern part of the state with the aim

Leading the army into an untimely battle…

There is a painful reality: our people suffer from the futility and atrocities of the rebellion…

Some of their sons provoked rebellion in their country…

Cooperate, guide, heal, encourage and grow.

They would sell them cheap, then they would sit and watch.

They are demanding the dismissal of the division head for a petty purpose…

Because he has memorized his tablet, knows his role and understands

What is expected of him and he is aware of the pain…

There is no war without secrets and without prices…

Anyone who doubts his abilities doubts the army…

Since yesterday, the army has been actively fighting against the danger

Walk with the determination of men…

He makes sacrifices to shed tears and shed

Safety, security and protection…

He who rejoices in the army is an insignificant collaborator…

Or Melishlawi, a mercenary without Kadmol…

And most of those in power are happy about his fall…

These are their wishes and vain hopes are a mirage…

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