Do not spoil the joy of victory – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*No one disagrees on the scale of violations and atrocities committed by the Rapid Support Militia, which Sudan has never witnessed since the descent of our master Adam on earth until today, and this that this militia practiced made children turn gray. of the horror of the rapes, thefts, pillaging and brutalities he committed which went beyond the limits of imagination and which exceeded all the crimes committed by Hitler during the world war, and the bastards of the Militia Rapid Support confirmed that they had no religion. without motives, without morals and without honor, and what they did was reprehensible. Concerning its description and by refraining from speaking about it in secret, they have distorted all forms of humanity with their disgusting crudeness which has nothing to do with humanity, much less with the morals and ethics of the Sudanese people.*
*Violations committed by the Rapid Support Militia do not require proof. They forced more than ten million citizens to leave their homes by force of arms, and they became residents of those homes. They stole property, looted money and impoverished citizens. , vomited all kinds of hatred and social injustice, and killed innocent people under the pretext of being traitors. The others, even if they were otherwise, violated honors and violated everything that was protected. The law was imposed on the people: anyone. is not with us, is against us, and the law of the jungle has become master of the situation for them and there is no voice. It rises above the voice of injustice, oppression, arrogance and tyranny*.
*No one will dispute that RSF militias killed thousands of innocent people in Wad Al Noura, Al Hilaliyah, east of Al Jazeera, Jalqni, Al Jufrat and Al Jabalin localities, and buried hundreds of people living in West Darfur. No two people will agree that the RSF militia has destroyed hospitals and public institutions in every place it controls. They turned it into a ruin with premeditation and deliberation, carefully transferring the environment from which they came, for they are a people like the bats who live there. darkness. Therefore, the first thing they target is the electricity and water institutions and impose on citizens the environment from which they come, which is a de facto policy, and there are many violations that have not yet been seen*.
*Despite the atrocities mentioned, members of the armed forces and other regular forces must deal with captive militia thugs and those who surrender, based on their origins and not their reactions. Likewise, they must deal with collaborators and participants in crimes and crimes of the militia. bring them before judicial institutions to make them accountable and prosecute those involved in the crimes of the militias. However, acting outside the framework of the law leads to… Social chaos whose effects are difficult to avoid*.
Half a fork
*Rapid Support Militia bastards, you won't find anyone to tell you to leave while you're on the loose, because you reap what you sow in terms of cruelty and social violence in all the areas you controlled, and we call on citizens to be patient and apply the spirit and letter of the law*.
A quarter of a fork
*The armed forces and other regular forces treated prisoners, suspects, collaborators and sleeper cells as “ganons.” Let the law be the deciding factor, not reactions, and therefore let us not spoil the joy of victory with counter-violations.