Do workers have a share in land auction, North Kordofan government??? ✍️ Al-Zein is like a symposium

_ According to the copy of the announcement signed by the Director of Lands, Engineer Omar Mohamed Mukhtar, dated July 2 of this year (2024), which I received via WhatsApp with the aim of publishing it to the public opinion to help spread transparency and I made the auction a success, and after going through it carefully, I found it containing strategic investment sites for residential or commercial investment in Sui Kan, and certainly the minds who “excavated” these sites and brought them to the surface to solve the problems of the state government. financial crisis with them, are minds that I believe to be patriotic and loyal to their profession at the outset, and who work with the concept of non-stagnation and surrender to frustration and present circumstances, and that working outside the box is the way forward. I believe this work is the work of an integrated technical team that includes land management, planning management and survey management.

– While browsing the websites, I imagined the huge sums that would have to enter the state treasury through the investment window and be collected from the Development and Revenue Collection Authority. Then I mentioned all the difficult economic conditions in which the workers of the North Kordofan State find themselves. and they have been suffering for several months since the beginning of the war from the specter of hunger and extreme poverty (and even the loss of Hodeidah), but after publishing this announcement for the sale of a large number of investment sites to the city of Al-Obeid, my heart was reassured, and with this I hope that a vision will be put in place to address the conditions of the workers, even by disbursing a subsidy for the two Eids, for example, instead of disbursing a month or two salaries, because originally there are not enough resources in the state, but it is possible that communication will be established between the state government and the federal government by providing, for example, double the amount of money to meet what is available from the government. sale of land in white to solve the problems of the workers and make the state work. It is possible, Mr. Governor Abdul Khaleq, and through the Federal Minister of Government, to obtain support from stable states in terms of security and revenue, even if these are advances recovered in the future to cover the deficit, since we believe that Sudan is one country.

_ In general, I expect great success for the announced auction and those who have money will rush to buy because it is a valuable and great opportunity for them to save their money in real estate in light of the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate. , and with this data, I was very excited to publish this announcement, and its text is as follows:

The Director General of Lands of North Kordofan State, Engineer Omar Mohamed Mukhtar, announces the public auction of residential lands, shops, bakeries, commercial sites and other properties in the city of El Obeid, according to the details below:

1/ Residential plots on the square (3 Mohandiseen).

2/ Residential land at Square (5) Karima Nord.

3/ Shopping centers on Place 9, south of the investment zone, Al-Salehin district.

4/ Oven on the square (15) north of the industrial zone.

5/ Oven with (1) square, cream, north (Umm Defso Market).

6/ Oven and grinder with (11) squares of cream.

7/ Ovens and commercial complexes in Place (11) Research.

8/ Oven on the square (15) south.

9/ Commercial uses in the Bara basin, east of the old El-Obeid power station and the vegetable mill.

10/ Shops and commercial items on the Place (12) Marché Karima Nord.

11/ Square cream oven and mill (11), north

## Auction conditions:_

1/ Payment of a deposit of one million five hundred thousand Sudanese pounds (1,500,000) in cash or by certified check, which will be completed or returned in the event of non-purchase, and confiscated in the event of failure to comply with the conditions.

2/ Pay twenty-five thousand pounds (25,000) in fees for the withdrawal of the auction participation form.

3/ The committee has the right to ask the buyer to renew the insurance in the event of the purchase of several parts.

4/ The auction committee has the right to remove any item before or during the auction.

5/ The buyer pays 27%, the details of which are as follows:

(17%) value added fee for the tax office, (5%) interest charges and (5%) auction fees.

6/ The buyer has 48 hours to pay, and in the event of failure, the insurance is confiscated for the benefit of the Land Administration, and the buyer is required to pay the difference in value after the sale.

7/ The plans and conditions can be consulted at the Land Investment Office and the Land Registry Service.

May you live long

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