Does the Cairo Conference Bring Solutions? – Loose – ✍️ Abdul Salam Al-Qarai

Reading history regarding solutions, history says that solutions have “escaped” our leaders, because those who do not accept the suffering of the Sudanese people in peace or war come together to discuss the crucial issues of the country and its people. The results of the conferences and seminars are disappointing, and the issues return to square one (fragmentation and division), as the circle widens. Disagreements and disagreements for trivial reasons.

It is worth noting that the majority of Sudanese people do not expect anything good from the Cairo conference.

Considering that those present are not the heart of one man

Most of them came with partisan and foreign agendas.

These people move according to imported policies that are not suitable to serve as a core to solve Sudan's problems and disrupt them according to a purely national logic.

Oh my God, patriotism has disappeared in Sudanese political markets

The poor of Sudan are fed up with the bickering of Sudanese politicians. How could they not, when their words have not been matched by actions for many years?

Most of their conversations are for political consumption, or rather, these people are still in their old way, following outdated methods that are not suitable for constituting a stable basis for building the foundations of good governance.

In general, we hope that they will make decisions that will be in the interest of the Sudanese people, who are self-reliant and patient.

I wish they would believe it for once in their black political history.

I wish they would get there and answer us, who are drowning in a sea of ​​frustration and oppression, 0000, and the situation of the poor need not be asked, but do these people realize it? The answer 000 is that the silent majority in Sudan has lost confidence in the SAS Yesus 000 group!

It seems that, as one pessimist said, the outcome of the Cairo conference

The camel churns and gives birth to a big mouse of 000,000!

We say to these people: hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable.

God bless you, O homeland of the poor and the marginalized, deprived of the simplest necessities of life.

May you stay safe and healthy

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