Does the pen triumph over the pencil? – On low heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕Through the suffering of the media.

The media have sold everything and bought their dignity. Will the pen triumph over the pencil?

⭕ Sudan, which means international war, is shaken by waves of conspiracies, wars and espionage. The media is living in a deplorable state after losing its platforms, channels and platforms.

⭕ Journalists find themselves at the centre of this storm, deprived of basic work requirements and surrounded by conditions that fail to guarantee even the lowest decent standard of living, including illness, homelessness and displacement.

⭕ These lines highlight some of the challenges faced by media professionals in Sudan and provide a glimpse of the hope that the future may hold for this noble profession.

⭕ The situation in which journalists live in Sudan. The journalist lost his job, his salary, his home and his car, and found himself homeless, without psychological and material security.

⭕ The peace of this profession has been disturbed and we live in difficult working conditions in which minimal professional aids are not available, and the task of providing professional services to the media becomes an almost impossible task.

⭕Losing a job is not just a loss of income, but rather a loss of professional and social identity.

⭕Journalists suffer from displacement and loss of family stability, which increases the difficulty of finding new job opportunities in their field.

⭕ Media professionals in Sudan face many professional challenges as they find it difficult to maintain the standards of journalistic work in an environment devoid of the most basic elements of a decent life and dominated by poverty, hunger and disease.

⭕ These conditions have profound psychological and security effects on journalists, pushing them to despair and losing hope in the possibility of improving their conditions.

⭕ The war turned journalists into mere vagabonds and expatriates, as their tools were confiscated and their workplaces were lost.

⭕ The war made media professionals lose all hope of finding ways that would restore their sparkle in life and the meaning of their profession.

⭕ Despite the dark clouds that silence the media in Sudan, media professionals have continued to play an important role, which has increased their patriotism. The search for a ray of hope is a necessity that cannot be ignored.

⭕Journalists need organized and sustainable support to rebuild what has been destroyed in their professional field and prove that the pen can triumph over the sword.

⭕ The future may be full of challenges, but the hope for change remains present and strengthens the desire to fight for free and fair media that express the conscience of the people with courage and honesty.

⭕ Despite all these difficult conditions, you find journalists working, supporting the army and the Al Karama camps, and supporting the displaced and the needy. They have not found anyone to support them.

⭕ Yes, the suffering and the trial are greater

From all of us, but know that the media and their collaborators have been defeated by the circumstances of life.

⭕They went to the markets with great pleasure. They spread out in the markets, selling vegetables and falafels, working in newspapers, mills, fruit juices and working on their own account, selling everything and buying their dignity and honesty with their inkwells and pens.

⭕ Realize that media professionals have been lost to neglect and killed by disease, misery and poverty.

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