Dongola Campaigns: Towards a healthy, clean and safe environment to fight diseases and improve community health ✍️ Section by Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy for Police Pensions, Mr. Abdel Wahab

Poor environmental sanitation is one of the causes of the spread of diseases, while improved sanitation has a positive impact on the health of the family and society.

From this point of view, and under the slogan (Together to create a healthy, clean and safe environment), the locality of Dongola and the relevant authorities, under the supervision of Mr. Makkawi Al-Khair Al-Waqee, Executive Director of the locality of Dongola, and under the patronage of Mr. Abdeen Awadallah Muhammad, Governor of the Northern State, organized health campaigns to revive the city and the market of Dongola for five consecutive days in order to collect waste, treat stagnant water and reduce pollution factors through basic means and services that separate human waste, the causes of pollution and the spread of human diseases in a healthy manner. This campaign aims to combat disease vectors, including insects, animals, human waste and water pollution, especially puddles and swamps left by the recent rains. to prevent the outbreak of diseases and the enemy and its spread among people.

In addition to the market environment and the elimination of all impurities and distortions, which made the market clean and acceptable, a bright and fresh environment that spreads roses in front of the sand, which reflects the mirror of living reality with its positive and negative aspects. The environment is the title of a civilized society because cleanliness is an important element in the life of the individual and society.

Campaigns are still ongoing in all local towns and villages

The police forces, other regular forces, the popular resistance and its members played a great role in the success of this work, which found acceptance and approval from all sectors of society.

Victory to our armed forces, police, security and mobilized as they strive to cleanse the country of the filth of this oppressive militia. Forgiveness and mercy for the martyrs, healing of the wounded and return of the missing.

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