Don't go to him, Burhan…. The Geneva platform is an American trap… and a non-recognition of the decisions of Jeddah..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

The mere fact of opening a new negotiating platform in Geneva on (the ruins of) the Jeddah platform raises (doubts) about American intentions, because it would have been (more appropriate) for the Jeddah platform to continue where it left off so that America could prove that its intentions are (pure) and not mixed with (its own agenda) with the same tendency (colonialism), otherwise why keep silent about the crimes of the rebel militias..?!! Is it to achieve (future interests) in Sudan that the militia is used (as an investment tool) or as a Trojan horse..?!! Is it not better to achieve these interests through (the door) and not through a bloody and thieving window…?!! It is now clear that Blinken represents “the best” person to play the role of entering through the window, and the US Secretary of State will work to remove the “winning card” that the military obtained in its battle against the rebel militias, and this is confirmed by the US government’s “refusal” to classify the militia as a “terrorist organization” while it lives out its ongoing crimes before the eyes of the entire world..!!*

*The Geneva platform has therefore become an “American platform” par excellence, created by the American mediator to relieve himself of the “embarrassment” in which he found himself before the world… The militias “undressed” after Sudan “succeeded” in “exposing” its crimes through the pleadings it presented against it in several cases (international forums), accompanied by irrefutable (documents) that were (shown) to countries and organizations and placed before the mediators of the Jeddah Platform, so what the platform led to was the issuance of (Jeddah Decisions) that were mandatory to implement, and although the American mediator was (convinced) of the crimes of rebellion, he did not admit it, so he exposed himself to moral (fall) and lack of (credibility) … because how could he sign the Jeddah decisions and not recognize them…?!! Therefore, the American mediator turned out to have fallen into the “trap of embarrassment” in front of the world public opinion (responsible) for the crimes of rebellion, and so he first resorted to “delaying and evading” a moral position and confronting the facts, and since this was not “enough” to relieve him of the embarrassment, he decided that he would finally resort to the (the shortest path) that would make him (escape) the trial of the world public opinion, so he chose to (escape) from the pulpit of Jeddah and made his way to Geneva, hoping to find a (new recipe) in his own way..!!

*Therefore, this new American (game) requires the Sudanese side to be (careful) with the media and diplomatic (methods) and to exert intensity and force on its integrated (vision and advocacy) against the militias, to put the American mediator before his (moral) responsibilities and to be able to (spoil) the plan he hears. At the Geneva tribune, which represents a real (American) trap, no official delegation should go there and fall into the trap… America and its Foreign Minister cannot (underestimate) Sudan and its people and conspire with a rebel militia composed of (mercenaries) brought from across the border and who have started to commit (the most horrible) types of crimes are before the eyes of the world, and even the “toughest criminals” in the world do not think about it. I don't know if American foreign policy is so “superficial” that it sides with the rebel thieves who steal everything, including the roofs of citizens' houses. in some villages..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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