Double standards – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

US lawmakers urged Biden to push

Ali bin Zayed must stop supporting the rebellion…

What happened at their meeting yesterday regarding

With the ongoing war in Sudan…

America is waging war from a distance…

We think, somewhat guiltily, that she is against the war…

Try turning it off, press to stop it…

False slogans appear like a mirage in the dark…

There are clear facts that reveal shameful hypocrisy.

Biden and Bin Zayed's meeting failed to materialize…

Ignoring lawmakers' calls to pressure me

Abu Dhabi to stop supporting rebellion…

There is an agreement between them with the previous approach…

A broken piece repeated without logic…

The war of destruction was waged with America's consent…

The United Arab Emirates supports the rebellion with its approval…

The meeting brought back ridiculous, trivial and worthless words…

Ask them to focus on the tragic consequences

Violence raises questions…

Behind the tragedy, rebellion does this…

Documenting it with murders, massacres and ethnic cleansing…

Civilians in Bamdurman and El Fasher were largely spared…

Residents fled when the rebellion entered the cities…

Tragic consequences are present in this scene…

The rebellion documented it, promoted it and celebrated it foolishly…

Biden and Bin Zayed witnessed the murder and the killing

Atrocities, displacement, violence, intimidation…

They looked at her with pleasure while they drank coffee…

Then they told the world that they were against violence and tragedy…

Is there anything more stupid and hypocritical than this?

How to stop the wave of displacement and violations?

The rebellion wreaks havoc and creates horrors…

UAE supports rebellion with America's approval…

So there is no choice but to flee and get away…

They spoke of the warning signs of a famine that would worsen the crisis…

The rebellion sabotaged agricultural projects, stole them…

He stole the harvest, went to his warehouse…

Preventing agriculture to impose famine as a reality…

The intention is that famine will be used as an excuse…

Biden and Bin Zayed are aware of this and have turned a blind eye…

As for the cessation of hostilities and the return of dialogue

Politics is (understand all illusion)…

The army is moving in the direction that leads to this…

In the face of the principles that the rebellion is called upon to implement…

Rejecting the rebellion has committed violence and violations…

America has not guaranteed the implementation of these measures. If it had wanted to, it would have done so…

They escape, deceive and escape…

Then they launched a new platform in Switzerland…

To start conversations with points that contain traps…

Then they insisted on the return of civilian rule…

Which means the return of its disappointed customers…

Trust them and implement their programs.

The most important of these is the structure of the army and security forces…

We have waged war and paid a high price…

For fear that it will be structured by rebels, agents and mercenaries…

We waited for the results of the Biden bin Zayed meeting…

They devoted their interests and remained silent about the crimes…

They sent messages to the government with their vision…

The army and the rebellion are two sides of the war…

Abu Dhabi and the rebellion are engaged in a proxy war…

After running out of supplies, America will expel the traitors…

After she left Afghanistan, we saw…

Customers got attached to plane after it was filled with dogs…

They fell after takeoff, and dear customers…

This is the strange and strange paradox below…

Old Biden said it was the rebellion itself…

When Trump supporters occupied Congress…

And the old man said: These are two feasts (Have fun, my brother).

When the supporters rebelled against the legitimate army..

He said to stop supplying them with weapons so that the war can end.

While people are being killed by American weapons…

What the Emirates are providing with the US deal…

Double standards at its best…

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