Drug trafficking, the hidden war and the real problem – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟣 Today, Wednesday June 26, the world celebrates (World Anti-Drug Day). The celebrations have connotations and clear signals that want to confirm and consolidate the importance of history to become symbolic and a safe year that reminds us of this most important. event every year.

🟣 Drugs pose a major threat to society and individuals. They destroy the mind and physical health and negatively affect social and economic life.

🟣 It is necessary to educate people about the dangers of drugs and make them aware of the importance of staying away from them. Efforts to combat drug trafficking must also be strengthened and laws must be strictly enforced to limit the spread of this dangerous phenomenon.

🟣 We are all called to stand up against this scourge which threatens the current generation and future generations. We must support efforts to combat drug trafficking and raise awareness among young people of its dangers, in addition to strengthening social and educational programs that help prevent the spread of this harmful phenomenon. By stepping up our efforts and working together, we can build healthier, more prosperous drug-free communities.

🟣 Drugs pose a serious threat to the entire society, as they cause destruction of the mind, physical and psychological health. This phenomenon must be combatted by all possible means, from raising awareness among young people of the dangers and the need to stay away, to strengthening laws and punishing those involved in this trade.

Everyone must work together to fight against these drugs that threaten all of humanity.

🟣 The right attitude requires joint action and global awareness to limit the spread of this scourge and eliminate it.

🟣 We must work together as one community to raise awareness and educate about the negative impact of these types of toxins on the individual and society at large. Let us come together to meet these challenges and protect our young people and our society from this devastating danger.

🟣 We must all come together to fight this imminent danger and highlight the importance of educating society about the dangers of drugs and their negative impact on the individual and society in general. There is a need to support addicted people and provide them with the treatment necessary to rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society as active and positive members.

🟣 Everyone must work together to prevent the spread of this epidemic and protect our youth and our society from the destruction and repercussions of drug addiction.

⭕Letters on fire⭕


🟣 The fight against drug trafficking must be comprehensive, including raising awareness and education about the dangers of drugs, strengthening control over smugglers and traffickers, and providing economic and social opportunities for young people to stay away from this danger. Awareness campaigns and treatment programs must be available and effective to support people suffering from drug addiction. Society must also cooperate to fight against this scourge which threatens many individuals and communities around the world.

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