Eastern Orta Forces: confirms its support for the army and denies its desire to maintain forces outside the military institution

Port Sudan: Zoll Net
The Eastern Orta forces confirmed their willingness to keep their military forces outside the military system, indicating that their clear position is to support the armed forces in the Battle of Karama.
Orta's forces called on other military factions and armed movements to unite to meet the challenge the country will face after the end of the war in terms of integrating the armed forces.
The leader of Orta East, Al-Amin Daoud, said during a press conference held today in Port Sudan that the current situation requires participating in the protection of the homeland and the transportation of weapons far from political practice, and that the movement does not intend to maintain military forces. These are forces external to the army and do not represent specific tribal components, emphasizing that the formation of Orta within the borders of the State of Eritrea is due to its established positions. He added that the forces are not seeking any reward from any party. defending the soil of the homeland, he went on to say that the forces chose to side with the state project rather than the project. A non-state in which the distribution of illegal weapons is widespread.
The secretary affirmed his clear position in favor of the armed forces in the battle for dignity, noting that the rapid support position aimed at destroying the homeland and usurping the rights of citizens.
The secretary noted that they support the armed forces in the battle of Karama until the rapid support militias that rebelled against the state are eliminated to achieve the agendas of other countries, stressing that the forces of Eastern Orta are behind the armed forces and that they have received qualitative training that allows them to participate in the Battle of Karama, and that anyone wishing to support this post is welcome.
For his part, the official spokesperson for the forces revealed that they had presented more than seven months ago a project to bring together the military factions.
He refuted statements that indicated their desire to keep military forces outside the system of the military institution, stressing that the forces are not directed against any other party and that they are national and include all components of society. He added that Eastern Orta was. They joined later than the others, but they were primarily concerned about good training and the fact that there were parties. They seek to create unrest in the eastern region.
The official spokesperson of the Eastern Orta Forces, Lt. Col. Dr. Muhammad Adam Hamed said that the Aorta Forces are a military faction of the United Popular Front for Liberation and Justice which was made necessary by the situation the country is going through and with the aim of supporting the army in the battle of Karama, noting that the Aorta forces are working to protect eastern Sudan following the displacements that have affected them since d other states, and these forces began their work. Since last year, 17 camps have graduated and three groups have been trained at all military and military tactical levels.
In the same context, Lieutenant General Abdul Rahman Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi said that all armed factions must support the armed forces, noting that the armed forces are the safety valve to preserve the country.
Al-Mahdi praised the forces of Eastern Orta, saying that the United Popular Front for Liberation and Justice is considered the founder of the search for a state of justice and law far from tribalism.
Al-Sadiq said that sharing is a homeland and official state institutions must be supported, far from the option of supporting the party that engaged in looting and pillage.