Eastern Sudanese Women's Group Condemns and Denounces Attempted Assassination of Sovereignty Council Chairman Lt. Gen. (Al-Burhan) ✍️ Dr. Mona Amer

A group of women from the East condemned and denounced the failed and desperate attempt targeting the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the symbol of national sovereignty, which failed by the militias, traitors, rogue agents and those hiding in the homeland who want to tear the homeland and its pure human being apart and forcibly displace it from its lands, the land of Sudan and the land of our fathers and grandfathers And the land of history and heritage because. it is difficult for the enemies of the homeland, including the aggressors of our own people who cooperated with the militias of the Rapid Support Forces and those who helped them at home and abroad, and for the Jews, the enemies of humanity. The homeland of Sudan is rich. in its men, women and youth. Accordingly, the Eastern Women's Group affirms its firm support for our valiant armed forces until victory is achieved, God willing, victory is near, God willing, and the women of Mahira in Bit Aboud. stand behind you, strengthening your support and sacrificing yourself with joy, souls and souls for the sake of the homeland of pride, dignity, magnificence and pride. They plot and God plots, and God is the best of planners. .

Have not the eyes of cowards fallen asleep?

*About them, Dr. Mona Amer*

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