Economic recovery: Recovery is not achieved only by law… ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo

++Serious steps taken by the State to address some of the imbalances that have created this devastating economic crisis, which has resulted in a significant decline in the price of our local currency against the dollar…
++ Among these treatments is that he relieved the governor of the Central Bank of Sudan and appointed a new respected governor. Before that, he restored the powers and authorities of the General Intelligence Service after it was stripped of its effectiveness and capacity. monitor, control and prosecute the criminal economic networks that had exhausted the state with looting, embezzlement and illegal speculation….
++ Thanks to the return of these authorities, he was able to launch a large-scale campaign to pursue currency dealers and gold smugglers, which was reflected positively in stopping the terrible deterioration of the currency. ..
++ It is useful to emphasize that laws, regulations and decisions alone are not sufficient to combat negative phenomena and manifestations of corruption, but rather require State intervention and the adoption of comprehensive policies which allow him to besiege the arrogant state. corrupters who began to plunder, steal and wreak havoc on earth while hoarding gold and dollars at the expense of the defeated Sudanese citizen, on his orders…
++ The issue of encouraging export operations of animals and agricultural products emerges among the most important global policies to follow, while working to expand the scope of food and processing industries instead of exporting these agricultural crops, as well as our raw livestock, without exploiting them optimally, making the resulting volume of income small in comparison. If strategic commodities were manufactured, packaged and exported, such as exporting processed meat instead of exporting live livestock, research…
++Next, the state must work to encourage expatriates' income and savings and encourage them to do so by designing and adopting incentive policies that make them rush to transfer their money and assets to Sudan …
++ It is also necessary to adopt gold export policies and adopt strict sanctions for anyone who smuggles or assists in the smuggling of gold.
Well, Mr. Mohamed Taher Omar was appointed director of the Sudan Mineral Resources Company, and he was able to put in place the necessary procedures, which resulted in a huge qualitative leap in productivity in the first quarter of the year …
++ After that, establish a comprehensive legislative revolution by enacting other laws or revising existing ones, resulting in the approval of monetary policies that will remove the dollar from the status of a commodity that can be bought and sold and speculated on . ..
++ Which depleted the state the most and caused the British pound to continue its horrible decline while the dollar rose exponentially due to unhedged money printing.
A stage from which Sudan will continue to suffer for a long time if ((the clichés of our local currency)) are not modified simultaneously with the start of the printing of a new currency without resorting, as we have mentioned, to the Printing without cover. .
++ Finally, denounce the networks of economic corruption, accelerate their pursuit, persecute them, strike their hiding places and work to restrict the scope of their movements, because this would dry up their comings and goings, which would terrify them…
++Signs of economic relief are beginning to appear on the horizon, and this only requires a more sincere and intense effort between the population and the security services to control all the causes that reproduce the crisis. By then, we hope these policies will be approved. and immediate work to start implementing them…
Omar Capo
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