Edit and help me, what next? – Aswad Qadrouf Wad Saad Bafazaouk – Bells of the Chickens of the Earth – ✍️ Asim Al-Bilal Al-Tayeb


*Sudan from the war to Port Sudan, indicative society coexisting with the people of the East, its return intensifies and strengthens with the victory of each round of the war, continuing in favor of strengthening the ranks, and the war society indicates its capacity to build the other state after most of the destruction of the first, and according to the experience of a field journalist of the joy marches venturing to liberate Wad Madani, the green capital is red and strength from one eye, the signaling community. from the red city drops a letter in the international mailbox, with the title Increase. The usual popular gathering closes around the flag and symbol of the power of the State of Sudan, the People's Armed Forces and its laboratory, the release of the masterpiece of Al-Jazeera, a strong message submitted, sealed , printed and signed by the signature of the strongest people, marches of Sudanese from various regions in joy and happiness, echoed in the Red City and with a consistent performance: All our corners have a homeland. The liberation of Sinja is a path to salvation from slavery. of humiliation and contempt, and a prelude to the restoration of positive control Shubra by Shubra, Wadmadani entered into a normal situation and qualitative change during the war, and relied on a comprehensive response, in the same spirit of popular unity, to the question: What next?*

*turns around*

*The answer does not require additional exhaustion in the search for the meaning of the Sudanese spirit, and it is located in the continuity of the popular gathering and developed qualitatively following the declaration of mobilization and alert, to confront a war, as Commander Minawi describes it. Mishnaha as a devastating natural phenomenon, which has no hope of reform and reconstruction and has zero construction capacity. The joy marches during the liberation of Wad Medani, before that of Singa, and followed successively by other stations, announce a qualitative change. in The rally around the army in a referendum, and I will not heal and will not be impartial, vehicles of the armed forces and other regular military and security forces circulate with fighters supported by young men and women and elderly of the mobilized forces. by strengthening its support for the regular military apparatuses and institutions of the State, by calling for international deterrence through law to establish justice and maintain security and stability, and without this, there is no State without power, and ending war is always a way. long and arduous journey This calls for continuation of the same and mobilization with continuous examinations, unification of efforts and good planning by choosing those who are powerful and trustworthy.


*A different alert experience offered by the gesture shuttle from Gedarof Wad Saad, Umm Shajara, seven kilometers northeast of the state capital of Gedaref, Sara Castle, stands out for Sudanese across the street, bringing relief to those displaced from hell. the strangest wars. Its threads spread like a cloud to shade the passage of the displaced, a community that feeds on Sudanese drink, which deserves documentation, on which billions will be spent from the public treasury, to produce films that speak of proverbs. The black cartilage of Wad Saad, the master of high values, the reason to wage war and start conflicts to destroy the wealth of humanity for fear of his power. The initiator of the initiative is the young Mutawakel Hassan Dakin, who absorbed the. the values ​​of coexistence and tolerance of his elders, and his destiny destined him to shoulder the burdens of the shuttle in the most difficult stages and historical transformations, paving the way for a different Sudan for another hundred years, now emerging from the bones And. bones of gravity and misery War*.


* Since taking responsibility, Mek Mutawakkil Wadkin has experienced several regimes, and his vehicle has gone through the fluctuations and dangers of the stage, benefiting from one experience after another, and being armed in the stage of war as it should be, an innate collective preparation. defending the land and honor, and strict compliance with the alert rules announced by the general command, facing the war against the homeland and the citizen, and an effort to strengthen relations with all Sudanese by communicating and exchanging visits and building bridges. of rapprochement with peoples beyond borders by implementing common denominators and the label of human convergence, and the pain has been lifted since the Commander in Chief announced the alert, to mobilize the community of the State of Gedaref, from the platform of initiatives, for the administrative capital and the states that the war did not reach on the ground, as well as those that were partially affected, to sharpen determination and unify efforts and capabilities under the leadership and the command, and begins, supported by its initiatives, to raise the status of participation and the honor of competing Equip the armed forces with men and money and contribute to providing support and aid to those affected*


* Due to his close relations with the province of Gedaref, and following his wanderings in its valleys, valleys, borders and regions, the movements of Mek Mutawakkil Wad Dekin, his leadership in the initiative of the young Sudanese, his humility in the society of Gedarof and Desaad, his respect for his counterparts in the vast Sudan, and his wanderings to contemplate the symbols and respect for the rules and the country in general, to extend invitations to participate to mobilization and close ties with the shepherds The army and the competent federal and state institutions, the charisma of the king, the spirit of modernity and technical fashion have a great impact in mobilizing the enthusiasm of his initiatives, his and the youth in general of the State of Gedaref, to ensure it and the great nation. Since the alert declaration, the Kingdom has been working to gather thousands of young people for advanced training under the command of the armed forces, electing from among them a force to carry out special operations accordingly. with estimates and military orders And to distinguish this mobilized force, I exercise all my abilities to be the gift of initiative up to the challenges of the stage, and to make the difference in the decisive moments and the last meters.*


*The lions of Gadarouf and Dasaad, a mobilized force composed of thousands of young people filling Al Ain The General Command of the Armed Forces places its main and original imprint on the force of the lions of Gadarof and Dasaad and Al-Makwad. Dekin places him under his command, contenting himself with providing him with the power of the spiritual shuttle, an object of appreciation and respect, for his preservation for centuries of a strong, cohesive society, endowed with all the values ​​and virtues, of dynamism. for solidarity and cooperation And spreading a feeling of nationalism and war requires proper preparation in the present and foresight for the future. During the restful night before the liberation of Wad Madani, I witnessed the final moving preparations of the lions of Qadrouf and Wad. Saad for the combat zones, the youth filling and pleasing the eyes and chanting in the name of Sudan and its army and without forgetting the people of credit and chanting: “Long live the land, you are a source of inspiration for the youth” . On the chest of the fighters operating under the command of the military is an inscription: (They will frighten you if you are proud) and I had the pleasure of witnessing the entry of a force of lions from Qadrouf Wad Saad in the liberated Wad Madani. ..and panic will follow and be saved if you are proud and the pride of lions will catch up with you*

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