Education al -quani is there a return.

Five years, in which the journey of change and the artificial revolution landed on our educational and service establishments, and we have only found deterioration, delay and loss, which is the only result and a prominent characteristic
Whenever we face a stumbling block of life and a disaster of calamities
We are not against change, change is the Sunnah of God on earth, but the change that came to us with excessive freedom and chaos that struck at each door was not a benign change.
We come back to the normal change which has invaded education in its general quality and of better quality and work there, and it is allowed and replaced. Until it creates a long -term fetus on our part
The rushs have been injured since his first year, so he could not walk and did not end his career of any academic year in the four full years, and every month was sick and sick between strikes for workers in the field of education or lame demonstrations led by the education seekers themselves, so the case was never directly right.
Among the education ship, the Koran Education Administration designed and became an impact after an eye
So why did the defenders of change targeted Koranic education with the same eye, and the one who commanded the truth, the exalted, the majestic, learning it and reading it, managing its meanings and, a day that does not benefit money and we were in a hadith sahih in Sahih al -Bukhari (the best of you is the one who learned the Koran and his knowledge) the shelter of the people.
What is the virtue of the greatest of being the student of the Koran that the people of God and his own
The Koranic Education Administration was not a burden for the Ministry of Education or the State, therefore the Kinette was based on the question of the Koranic schools, fully sponsored by IT.
Koranic education was rather a real addition to education in Sudan. Universities even have a specialized university bearing the name of the crown of Hafizin
Will the Ministry of Education work to restore Koranic education at its old era and return the Koranic schools to help raise generations that are about to be lost with the winds of change and return to the Koran teacher his prestige and back
And make the butter triggers and remains what benefits people
Or will Qurani education be a story of the past and its biography has been broken
Victory to our valiant armed forces
Glory and dignity to our beloved Sudan
Parents and compensation for the island of kindness and donation