Egypt, Al-Burhan and the Americans – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Yesterday, the 17th of this current month, the US President, who was withdrawing from the US presidential elections whose battle is currently taking place, delivered a speech and a speech on the Sudanese situation and the situation and the war in that country, through which the US administration tried to say that it is interested in Sudanese affairs by following what is happening and seeking to end the war and its initiatives. Through dialogue platforms and providing humanitarian aid to those in need, it then called for stopping the attack on El Fasher. it lifted the siege and stopped attacks on civilians. It exerted more pressure on the Rapid Support Militia than on the armed forces, which it called on to stop what it called indiscriminate bombings, which can occur by mistake and unintentionally, as happened to the Sixth Division…

The head of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, was quick to respond to Biden's speech with a balanced and measured speech that first expressed his thanks for the interest shown in the Sudanese issue and the recognition that the war had left considerable devastation and damage. It exhausted the Sudanese people with the aggression and attacks of the rebel militias. He then stressed the government's interest in finding solutions, its search and openness to all initiatives, calling on the United States to use its power and influence to please those who start the war and provide the rebellion with money and weapons, raise their hands and explain how they have harmed Sudan.

Yesterday, when Al-Burhan issued this statement, Egypt had its strongest word since the beginning of this war in the country, as the US Secretary of State visited Egypt and met with his Egyptian counterpart, who said, regarding the Sudanese issue, literally, that Egypt does not accept that anyone equates the Sudanese armed forces with a national institution with anything, and he is talking about those who promote what they call the two sides of the war and deceive the people and the world from where the militia came. the belly of the army.

Yesterday was indeed one of the days that will have obvious consequences on the course of events in Sudan and will change many negative positions into positive ones.

Al-Burhan's welcome to the American effort, his thanks to America and his refusal to ignore his president's speech on Sudan could open a window to a different understanding of the government's positions on war and peace. Then, the decisive Egyptian word of not accepting the army's equation with the Janjaweed also represents a decisive position that leads others to reconsider and evaluate, and therefore their positions on what is happening in Sudan, in a way that transforms the negative into positive and accelerates the end of this war. in a way that guarantees justice and restores the dignity of the Sudanese people…

May God help everyone

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