Egyptian Ambassador to Sudan – Shawkat Whale – Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Traveling in Egypt is what is written to us, because Egypt is the sister and neighbor of my country, and the relations between the peoples of the Nile Valley are never divisible in two, but the exceptional circumstances that the Sudan have pushed millions of Sudanese to decide the form of the relationship between the two peoples in search of the safety and security that the Sudanese state lacks, and praise the Arab Republic of Egypt for opening its heart outside its doors to welcome the Sudanese and ease the shock of the situation. war against them. It can be said that most of the Sudanese who took up residence in Egypt after the war entered illegally by land, and financial transfers began to reach them from Sudan and outside Sudan to adjust their living and working conditions. accommodation. and other questions*.

*For me, traveling to Egypt is a belief established by the Holy Quran from the seven heavens, according to my understanding and interpretation of the verse (Go down to Egypt, for there you will have what you have asked for). me to go down to Egypt after part of my family, my family and some of my children had lived there since the beginning of the situation in Sudan, so I entrusted them to God first, then to the Egyptian government and to the Egyptian people confided again, but necessity forced me to go down to Egypt to check the condition of my family, my children and some members of my family, from whom I had been separated by the circumstances of the war in progress in Sudan, then to return *.

*It saddens me very much to have been queuing for an entry visa to Egypt since May 16, 2024 until this moment, and it saddens me very much to even think about entering Egyptian territory illegally or through smuggling , and we have been to its international airport dozens of times and read its international airport sign. (Enter in peace and security) When we enter Egypt, we consider it a homeland, and we carry our love and deep respect for the Egyptian people, and we still do. have the same love, appreciation and respect for them*.

*Your Excellency the Ambassador of Egypt to Sudan, I, journalist Yasser Mohamed Mahmoud, wish to legally enter Egypt. I ask Your Excellency to grant me an entry visa to your homeland and my second homeland for humanitarian reasons required by necessity. I have been waiting in the waiting registers for a long time, with all my respect and appreciation for Egyptian law. I am applying for an entry visa for myself only and no more than my three-week visit to Egypt*.

Half a fork

*Media attaché at the Egyptian Embassy in Sudan. We lead public opinion and represent a real bridge of communication connecting the two peoples. Can you not grant me an entry visa to Egypt as the only Sudanese journalist named Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud. whose telephone number is 0123319526*?

A quarter of a fork

*Egypt will remain the sister of my country, and Egypt will remain the home of our hearts as long as we live*.

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