Egyptian authorities are deporting large numbers of Sudanese through the Arqban border post. What is behind the racist campaign against refugees and immigrants in Egypt? ✍️Abbas Shajarabi


**Support the Egyptian police against refugees.*

**Go back to your country, refugee*

*Egypt for Egyptians*

a report:

*Absher Shajarabi*

abashar [email protected]

Authorities in Egypt's Aswan governorate, on the border with Sudan, expelled a large number of Sudanese in mid-June 2024 and returned them to the Arqban border crossing with Sudan, according to the country's authorities. Egypt's Aswan governorate has turned away more than 16 buses carrying Sudanese en route to Cairo. They were returned to the Arqban border crossing between Sudan and Egypt. You can imagine the suffering!!

A desert area, on Eid days, and there are no services.. I had already taken this passage to Cairo before the war, and I underwent (13) hours of procedures at customs, unlike procedures on the Egyptian side! !!

I expected the Egyptians to treat their Sudanese brothers like the Ansar and Muhajireen did…but it seems racism has become in the blood!! The melody (*Son of the Nile Valley*) died down and I did not expect that the Egyptians would support the police in their desire to repatriate the refugees, and the return of refugees is a national duty!! !

What happened in Sudan is not far from happening in Egypt, the plan is brilliant, Egyptians.

Today, the number of displaced people in Sudan stands at (10) million people who have been displaced due to the war. It would have been more effective to help stop the bloodshed, even if it was through the so-called League of Arab States!! !

And remember, Egyptians, the number of Egyptians outside Egypt is (14) million Egyptians working in a number of Arab countries as immigrants. What would be the reaction if a decision was made to deport them as immigrants and refugees!!

How much hard currency will the country lose?

We would like to remind Egyptian pashas that the number of Egyptian refugees entering Italy by sea is the largest, according to the decision of the Italian Interior of 2022.

*Who is the target of this despicable campaign?*

Number of immigrants (9) million from (133) countries Percentage of Egyptian population (7/8)

The largest number of Sudanese immigrants is (4) million people, followed by Syrians (1/5) million people, then Libyans (1) million people. A percentage of (60) of them integrated into society after living longer. more than (5) years, a percentage of (6%) having passed since they stayed in Egypt for more than (15) years. The money invested by (30) thousand Syrians = one billion dollars.

These are immigrant investors, that is, they entered Egypt with their money and the Egyptian state benefits from it.

The number of refugees is (600) thousand refugees, in addition to asylum seekers of (62) nationalities. The Sudanese are the most numerous, followed by the Syrians, then South Sudan, then Eritrea, then Ethiopia, then Yemen, followed by Somalia. then Iraq.

*Source: International Organization for Migration in Egypt and UNHCR.*

Many of them do not have a stable source of income.

They suffer from poor economic conditions.

They are not meeting their basic needs for living, stable housing and clothing.

Most of them live in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta, the northern coast and the canal cities.

Refugees are the subject of a fierce racist campaign, as I mentioned, as they are targeted for:

*Basis of color and breed.

*Mistreat them verbally and religiously.

* Photograph them illegally in the streets and on the beaches

Some are deprived of expression.

The target of the campaign:

Refugees and migrants mainly from Sudan.

Then the Africans, then Yemen and Syria.

The nature of their targeting:

*The cause of the economic crisis

*Power outage crisis.

*The crisis of chaos and lack of order.

The legitimate question is: who is behind the racist campaign against refugees and immigrants in Egypt, and why are the higher authorities remaining silent!!! ?

We will come back



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