Eid Mubarak, Army ✴️ Another Angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

This year's Army Day is marked by its blood being written in the book of history to declare that it is a great and noble army, and it can only be a great army as long as its motto is (God-Fatherland).

An army whose fighting doctrine stems from its belief, to defend the land, honor, honor and lives, and then there are no options, but only one option (victory or martyrdom). And what a choice, when blood flows and souls rise. their creator, transcending the pettiness of the world, so that the best successor of the best can take up the banner. Our predecessors, continuing the march in pride and arrogance, men living in the trenches, embracing rifles, separated from their families, their children, their sweetness. beds and cold water, men who defend us silently and proudly while they face death at every moment with conviction, certainty and calculation.

Many holidays have passed while you held the trigger, cloaked yourself in patriotism, suppressed your feelings, took a stand and made history.

On the anniversary of your glorious feast, we ask God for your steadfastness and victory… and we pray to the generous Lord to accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, release the prisoners and return the missing servicemen and citizens.

*A greeting card that we dedicate to the leaders of the army, Al-Haganah, Umm Reesh, and always…

*{Hagana Fooooq}*

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