Empty Statements and Full Answers – Al-Hassa Watan – Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all the people of my country who are steadfast in the face of the existential battle that was planned to tear Sudan apart and plunder its wealth while causing a demographic change in the composition of its population, in which the forces of global evil have used the tools of the criminal Dagalo militia, supported by shameless agents, embassy spies.

But the bravery and sacrifice of our heroic soldiers, in our people's armed forces and in our regular services, as well as the conscience of the Sudanese street, nullified and thwarted their plan, and their plot to kill them was repelled. blame each other, and their ties were broken and their unity was scattered. Those inside began to live in terror and panic, for fear of being attacked, while those outside lost their compass and thus became wanderers. tired for a while

Today, every morning, we hear one of the shameless leaders of the agents making an empty statement to us. Perhaps the most surprising and strange of them is the one attributed to the son of the Imam, this dishonest friend, who tells us that in the post-war period, and how they and their rebel supporters will return to imposing democracy and building a national army, for God's sake, are these statements acceptable?

Similarly, the partnership between the Sudanese Congress and the Abdel Wahid Mohamed Nour movement to form a broad civil political front, which is an alliance with those who refused to sit down for any negotiation, peace be upon them, carrying a firearm at any time of government in Sudan. Is this an alliance supported by reason and logic?

Even Al-Qaray, which came with an insolent government to destroy generations through the ruinous approach it prepared, made a statement, and the train of empty statements did not stop, Muhammad Ismat, who bought $64 billion in Malaysia, appeared there. but the statement that stopped me the most was that of the American special envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, when he said that the powers that do not want the army to enter into negotiations are affiliated with the National Congress party, which wants to return to power. Even this miserable American is afflicted with a phobia of cowardice.

These empty statements are mere examples in the war of statements that Shameless and its rebel militia have started to unleash after their failure in the battle on the military ground and to cover up the violations and brutal practices they have committed against the Sudanese people.

But the full response came, practical (practical), from the lions and heroes of our courageous armed forces and our regular guerrilla forces, as well as those who formed behind them and supported them, the mujahideen and the mobilized of the Sudanese popular resistance.

Resistance in truth and truth against the colonial plan that is being implemented with a conspiracy to tear and destroy the country in order to plunder its wealth and displace its people, and not against these gelatinous bodies that arose in the era of the shameless government since their revolution made Lasatk resistance that destroyed, ruined and even disrupted life on the land of Sudan.

The practical answer is to cleanse the pure land of the homeland of all the filth of Hemedti's terrorist militia and its shameless political wing. Perhaps the meeting that took place between Hamdok and Abdel Rahim Dagalo in Kenya dispels the blood partnership for sure. continues and insists on this so that Qahati Nati does not come to us and deny their relationship with speedrunning, Dagalo's sons, by the way. Where is the report There is a load pause or where does Abdul Rahim come from?

Pay attention to the gelatinous bodies that begin to rise to the surface. These are dirty hands charged with carrying out infiltrations from the inside in light of the battle for dignity that is taking place.

Here an important question arises: what is the youth body that emerged with the aim of ending the war and establishing democratic civil transformation and who is behind this movement? A rumor has been circulating in the media that they are opening branches in Kassala and on the Nile? River. I smell a smell through the name and content. Be careful, so beware of the people of Kassala and the Nile… Such objects because I fear there is poison in the honey.

I conclude with a message to all the officials of my country. We have learned the news of the arrest of two cars containing smuggled antiquities by the security forces, Yajen, the strong hand whose return brought much comfort and relief to the Sudanese street, and what has been revealed by Dr. Ghalia Jar al-Nabi, Director of the National Authority for Antiquities and Museums, on the looting operations that affected the National Museum and the House of the Caliph and another in Nyala, South Darfur, and the ongoing coordination operations with Interpol to track down the perpetrators and recover the stolen antiquities. We do not miss the offers for the sale of antiquities that we see on social media platforms.

Hence our message to all those responsible: this case requires a firm approach and an iron fist against anyone who proves their involvement and participation in this plundering which is an obliteration of the history of the Sudanese nation.

The death penalty applies to all participants, smugglers, sellers and buyers. This case cannot tolerate any tolerance or leniency, because these people are an extension of the implementation of the global evil plan on the land of Sudan.

Tomorrow the cloud will clear and the joy of victory will return. The Sudanese sun will rise again and the shepherd will let his sheep wander from Halfa to Al-Geneina. He will fear for them only God and the wolf.

God willing, there will be no wolves because they will be harvested in the cleanliness that is currently occurring.

A clean Sudan, without the Janjaweed and the rude, after which the battle of building and rebuilding everything that was destroyed by the war, whether public or private. We, thank God, have not lost our pride and dignity. for the days to come, God willing.

Asher Sultan, it is from you that the Sudanese nation draws its steadfastness and courage.

Your victory, O Lord, for your soldiers. Accept the martyrs. Heal the wounded. Send back the missing safe and sound, O Lord of the Worlds.

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