Entering the marches as a party to war requires preparation with appropriate weapons – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

The marching attack that occurred in the Jebeit military zone during the graduation celebration of military students, which was honored by the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, left question marks, many doubts and interpretations that sowed terror in the hearts of citizens, as official and popular celebrations and gathering places have become a source of fear and terror on the part of… In front of citizens.

Here we ask in turn how these marches were able to reach the depth of the celebration and carry out this strike, knowing full well that in the event of official celebrations and the presence of the president, security is very strict and several kilometers away from the place of celebration and with various advanced weapons. Why were these marches not dealt with before their arrival? The place of celebration, where are the security forces that deal with such cases and infiltrations? The 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, which was able, under normal circumstances, to hit and destroy four marches that reached the airspace of the division command and were professionally dealt with by anti-aircraft guns on the ground before they reached the targets. in the city of Port Sudan, these marches were able to easily reach the place of celebration and hit it, in the presence of the head of state, who himself became a direct target for them and in the line of fire of their fire, and it was possible for them to hit him directly.

This confirms the scale of the international conspiracy that Sudan is facing after the marches entered the battlefield, which indicates the seriousness of the overall situation and should not be underestimated.

This disastrous and dangerous situation that the country is going through requires solidarity, solidarity and the declaration of mobilization and general mobilization, arming all those who are capable of bearing arms, and supporting the popular resistance, which is the only support to protect this people and its property.

We say to all influential people who oppose the popular resistance and its arming for something in themselves, that the popular resistance has come out from the bosom of the people, and the caller has now called for the arming of individuals, citizens and mobilized people, whose number has reached tens of thousands after graduating from the dignity camps in the various states of the country, and they are now ready to protect the land, and the show is only waiting for the arming, the nation is now facing a decisive war. that it may or may not exist, and it is not the property of one or more specific personalities who manage it according to their whims and moods, forgetting that there is a law that governs them, and that their presence in these positions and places represents the people, not himself, and he must keep this point in mind, and whoever wants to hinder any effort to defeat the conspiracy, or propose or accept any external initiative aimed at weakening the state or the armed forces, or bringing the rebels. and defeated the Rapid Support Forces. He must know that this issue is not accepted by the people and is completely rejected. He must also know that this position is for a person who carries the concerns of the country and its people, and not. Someone who creates obstacles to the end of this war or a conspiracy that harms the citizen and the nation.

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