Escape from death to death – over low heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ It is a phrase that indicates that a person cannot avoid death, but eventually encounters it. Life is a journey full of challenges and difficult situations, but death is an inevitable part of this journey.

⭕It is very important to prepare to face death and to face it with conscience and courage.

⭕ The quote “Escape from death to death” is a philosophical phrase that indicates that life ultimately ends in death, regardless of the circumstances in which we live.

⭕ This can be interpreted as saying that death is inevitable and is a reality that must be dealt with. Therefore, we must accept the reality and live with the thoughts of death and face it one day.

⭕ Of course! “Escape from death to death” can be an expression that refers to a certain idea of ​​life or the existential cycle, as it can be interpreted in several ways. This phrase can express the belief that a person ultimately has no escape from death, whether he philosophizes about life or swallows the bitterness of reality, because we always seem to escape our painful reality and try to escape into worthless affairs that end. in death.

⭕ The expression reflects the contradiction between man's attempt to seek survival and at the same time being the ultimate survivor.

⭕With the dawn of each day, displaced people wake up with new hope and a desire to see signs of improvement in the conditions they experience.

⭕ They look at the unknown horizon with eyes full of desire for security and stability, and they carry in their hearts the dream of a better future for themselves and their loved ones.

⭕ Amid this ongoing struggle for survival and survival, stories of courage and sacrifice emerge, told by survivors and preserved in the memory of the martyrs who lost their lives during this difficult journey. These stories write new pages in the history of steadfastness and insistence on life, and remind us that humanity is still alive despite its challenges and tragedies.

⭕In fact, the story of escape from death to death reflects a bitter truth about the human capacity to endure and resist in the face of great difficulties.

⭕ When a person overcomes these challenges and achieves security, they build on the vestiges of the past a new present carrying seeds of hope and renewal, and regain their ability to dream and envision a better future.

⭕ The journey of displacement and migration remains a vital lesson for all of us as we appreciate the value of security and stability, and the need for joint efforts to prevent the emergence of more conflicts and of wars that force people to face their unknown fate.

⭕ Tragic stories continue to unfold day after day, as displaced people suffer harsh conditions and dangerous factors during their journey to safety. The vast desert is home to many dangers such as water and food shortages, as well as vulnerability to attacks by human traffickers and armed gangs.

⭕Despite all these challenges and risks, the displaced are doing their best to reach a safe haven, where they hope to find a new life far from the horror of war and persecution. They continue their journey despite fatigue, hunger and thirst, relying on their strong will and their belief that a better tomorrow awaits them.

⭕ The story of the escape from death to death remains a story of steadfastness and hope in the face of adversity, and is a reminder of the importance of human solidarity and the need to address the roots of conflict and wars to prevent the tragedy of displacement. and recurrent migration.

⭕But despite all these tragedies and challenges, people fleeing war work hard to seek safety and a better life for themselves and their families. They cling to the hope that a day will come when peace will return to their country and they will return to their normal lives without fear of death at the hands of war.

⭕ It is necessary for the international community and humanitarian agencies to mobilize to support displaced people and refugees and provide them with the necessary assistance, whether in the form of humanitarian or material resources. We must work to find political solutions to international and local conflicts that force populations to flee and expose them to the risk of death.

⭕ Escaping from death to death is not a sustainable option, and great efforts must be made to find lasting and peaceful solutions to these conflicts that threaten the lives of innocent people. Peace and security are the ultimate right of every human being, and the international community must stand with the weak and the oppressed and work to build a world in which peace and justice prevail for all.

⭕When the displaced reached safe areas, they found themselves facing new challenges. Integrating into a new environment and looking for livelihood and work represents a big challenge for them. Some of them faced difficulties in obtaining basic health care and education, while others struggled to obtain adequate housing and decent living conditions, all factors and pressures which makes the option of travel a priority at this stage.

⭕ There is also a sense of insecurity and instability that has made the options multiple and accounts disorganized, and the individual's sense of insecurity and security has led many people to choose the way of smuggling to Egypt or elsewhere to seek safety and escape the fires. of war and the specter of death.

⭕But they don't know where they are going. It is a journey to escape death and death itself.

Remember what happens on these journeys: death by thirst, hunger and the deception of road brokers and false dreams of escape.

⭕ At the same time, the fear of death continues to haunt displaced people and refugees who suffer from poverty and instability. Human trafficking and continued exploitation pose a constant threat to the lives of those struggling to survive.

⭕ The international community must address the situation and provide support and assistance to displaced people and refugees, providing them with medical care, education and psychological support, in addition to combating human trafficking and exploitation. Serious measures must be taken to protect these individuals who seek security and a decent life, far from the conflicts and wars that threaten them with death.

⭕ The quest for a better future requires concerted international efforts and joint cooperation to provide the necessary support to displaced people and refugees and guarantee their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, liberty and security .

⭕When displaced people reached safe areas, they found themselves facing new challenges. Integrating into a new environment and looking for livelihood and work represents a big challenge for them.

⭕ Some of them faced difficulties in obtaining basic health care and education, while others faced difficulties in obtaining adequate housing and decent living conditions.

⭕ At the same time, the fear of death continues to haunt displaced people and refugees who suffer from poverty and instability. Human trafficking and continued exploitation pose a constant threat to the lives of those struggling to survive.

⭕ The international community must address the situation and provide support and assistance to displaced people and refugees, providing them with medical care, education and psychological support, in addition to combating human trafficking and exploitation. Serious measures must be taken to protect these individuals who seek security and a decent life, far from the conflicts and wars that threaten them with death.

⭕The quest for a better future requires concerted international efforts and joint cooperation to provide the necessary support to displaced people and refugees and guarantee their fundamental human rights, including the right to life, liberty and security.

🟣Letters on fire🟣

⭕ Every sane Sudanese should pause on the journey of death and think carefully about getting on their feet and cycling, staying away from smugglers and crisis dealers, and not thinking about fleeing to the Egypt by smuggling through a journey with unpredictable consequences.

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