Events in Ethiopia and their impact on Sudan – It's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babiker Al-Makabrabi

In most cases, any events that take place in any of Sudan's neighboring countries are affected by Sudan, knowing that Sudan is surrounded by a number of neighboring African countries, and vice versa.

We notice and follow that there are military groups that did not find an opportunity for themselves, otherwise they revolted to gain gains, knowing that the path of the brotherly state of Ethiopia is nationalist and that it lives on more regionalism, and regionalism means nationalities that try as much as possible to boast of all the successive governments that have ruled the state of Ethiopia.

Recently, on the Sudanese border with the State of Ethiopia, areas have been occupied by the Amhara nationality, especially the area or town of (Ethiopian Mutama) by the Ethiopian militia (Fano), which is from the Amhara nationality, hostile to the Prime Minister. Minister Abiy Ahmed is trying as much as possible to find a home for him. Under the rule of Ethiopia, obstacles are always created for stability and Ethiopia is trying to make stability a feature of the regime of Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian Prime Minister. Minister.

But what is important is that events in Ethiopia are influenced by Sudan and vice versa.

It is known that Sudan is currently waging a fierce war against the terrorist militias of Al-Dagalo, and the nature of the battle is, as is known, a battle against a foreign invasion led by the terrorist militias of Al-Dagalo.

But what we would like to draw attention to is that the Fano militias, like them, and the Al-Dagalo terrorist militias, who are trying as much as possible to seize the reins of power by force of arms to implement the plan to dismember Sudan, plunder its resources and displace its citizens, is to the extent that the Al-Dagalo militias are capable of doing so, by implementing the plan of the arrogant powers, the Emirates, America, Israel and other countries, the evil is known to everyone.

What we would like to talk about is that the Ethiopian city of Al-Matma is the closest to Sudan, on the Sudanese-Ethiopian border, and what is currently happening in Al-Matma could have a significant impact on the course of events in Sudan. especially since the Ethiopian Fano militias are adopting the same style as the Al-Dagalo terrorist militias in their barbaric nature and disrespect for international law. It is very possible that the events in Ethiopia were perpetrated by the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia. and an attempt to coordinate with (Fano Ethiopian) to facilitate entry through Sudanese areas adjacent to the Ethiopian border, for example the Dinder and Qalabat region and other Sudanese areas along the border strip.

Therefore, the Sudanese government must strengthen defenses along these eastern borders, and the states concerned are the eastern states of Sudan, including Gedaref State.

The federal government must also demonstrate a high degree of security awareness and total vigilance, to strengthen defenses with all types of weapons, the first of which is the Sudanese Air Force, as well as all types of weapons and intensify the armed presence.

On the relevant limits mentioned above, and God is the Help

*One army, one people against* *Traitors and agents*

*stay* *stay safe*….

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