Examinations of the branch of the Islamic University of Omdurman in Al-Obeid: to confirm that education is one of the foundations of national recovery and normalization of life and to ensure the future of students

🔸First entry*

There is no doubt that education in Sudan is one of the most important institutions that have suffered greatly from this cursed war, which targeted the citizen in all his needs, cast a negative shadow on his life and had a significant and direct impact on education through the closure and sabotage that affected most of these educational institutions and buildings at the general and higher education levels, creating a real crisis that almost destroyed the future of students and students.

*🔸Second entry*

*Despite the circumstances, Al-Abyad University branch normalizes life and breaks stagnation*

The Director of the Islamic University of Omdurman, North Kordofan Branch, Dr. Al-Tayeb Haroun, confirmed that the launch of the exams in the university branch today in the halls of the University of the Holy Quran is considered a good indicator despite the current circumstances that the country is going through. He added that there are a number (7) of centers for the branch outside the city of Al-Obeid, said that the preparations are too early for the administration to reach the starting point, promising that the country is preparing. The scientific and missionary journey of the university will not stop for the sake of the future of the students. The director of the university branch praised the participation and high attendance of the male and female students, which exceeded 90%, wishing them and their families success. Al-Tayeb Haroun praised the support of the North Kordofan government. His position had an impact on the success of the exams.

*🔸Third entry*

*Clarity of image, mixture of feelings and high student participation rate*

After an absence of more than a year, a meeting was held between the male and female students of the Islamic University of Omdurman, North Kordofan branch, as they were preparing for the exam sessions. Here, the picture was revealed between strong feelings, overwhelming feelings, fear of the exam, and the warmth of the meeting after a forced separation imposed on them, and they met after this period due to these imperative security conditions that prevented them from continuing their educational journey and almost destroyed their male and female future. The students of the Islamic University of North Kordofan branch formed a picture that moved the people in the environment and buildings of the university by preparing them to walk on the path of the future to build a conscious and conscious generation that adheres to national values ​​and principles * (There is no future without knowledge and learning) *

*🔸Fourth entry*

*Holding of university branch exams is the greatest proof of stability*

Sheikh Salah Hamadtu, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic University of Omdurman Branch in North Kordofan, confirmed that the start of the exams today is the best proof that the city of El Obeid is experiencing great stability thanks to the efforts of the government. Hamadtu added that the university has a great message to the society, referring to the efforts of the director of the university branch in completing the exam file in these exceptional circumstances, Hamadto added that the society needs education, wishing the success and excellence of the students for themselves, their families and their communities.

*🔸final entry*

*University branch exams: a step towards a normal life and an increased sense of security*

The North Kordofan State Government was present at the start of the exams, represented by the Secretary General of the Government, Mr. Al-Amin Al-Shayeb Muhammad Harika, who confirmed that this start is one of the most important steps to normalize life. , eliminate sediments and increase the sense of security. Al-Shayeb stressed that life will return to its normal state as before, and the Secretary stressed that the government has announced a number of correct steps taken to normalize life, especially the announcement. of the opening of schools for third-year secondary school students, adding that the process of opening schools will be carried out gradually until educational stability is complete. The Secretary General of the State Government congratulated the Omdurman University branch and the board of trustees for this operation. the exams, describing this step as a beginning. The plan to open universities in the state, and the Secretary-General stressed that victory will go to the armed forces and other regular forces in defeating and crushing the rebel militias.

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