Execution of death sentences – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Social networks daily broadcast death sentences against collaborators of RSF militias. These judgments are handed down by the Sudanese courts, the responsibility of which lies with the judicial system. We see that those sentenced to death are placed in prison waiting. the execution of these sentences, knowing that the accused have the right to appeal as a level of appeal. The litigation period and the appeal period do not exceed a period of two weeks from the age of the sentence, and then the appeals are examined by the court. before the higher courts, and the appeal does not fall under three possibilities: either the sentence pronounced by the court of first instance is confirmed, or the judgment is annulled, or a more severe sentence is pronounced than that imposed on the accused. However, the execution of the decisions is made. remains a manifestation of the prestige of the State, especially in conditions such as those experienced by the Sudanese State since April 15, 2023, the date of the outbreak of the war*.

*And not to go too far, the sentences handed down by these courts against a large number of defendants proven to be involved in espionage activities and cooperation with RSF militias and others like them must be executed immediately and mercilessly so that they can serve as an example and a warning to those who cooperate with the militias or who themselves talk about cooperation. With the militias, the question remains: how long will the relevant authorities continue to procrastinate in implementing these court decisions, and what are they? which parties support the implementation of these decisions, and for how long the situation will remain as it is, and these decisions will end as soon as they are made, and the newspapers will treat them as news, and the affair will end as if it were nothing and we get rid of it? Administration of prisons for those sentenced to death for treason both to the country and to the citizen*.

*Military intelligence, intelligence services and other regular agencies carry out their functions from the moment they monitor, track, arrest the accused, investigate him and obtain confessions through evidence and evidence. Then the accused is transferred to the police, who. begins his investigations with the accused. The accused records a judicial confession of his accusation, and he is sentenced to death and remains until… When he was released, we did not hear of the execution of the death sentence against a collaborator of the SDF, despite all the practices committed by the militiamen*.

*The State must impose its prestige and apply these decisions to the condemned and in the public space so that they constitute a strong and harsh message in the mail of sleeper cells, agents and traitors. Here I am not questioning the integrity of the judiciary or the justice system. The other judicial authorities, like me, find themselves on the border between perplexity and astonishment. The inability and failure to implement the decisions handed down by the courts will whet the appetite of agents, infiltrators and traitors to carry out their intelligence and intelligence activities. cooperation with the brutal supporting militias, and they do not fear the power and tyranny of the state as long as the state remains powerless to impose its prestige, knowing that the country is in a state of emergency. Emergency arrangements must be activated and implemented. . Judgments immediately*.

Half a fork

*The government must carry out the death sentences handed down by the courts against the condemned and crucify them in a public square so that they can serve as a warning and example to others. Any delay in enforcement sows hope of their release despite the fact. that the accusation against them is proven.*

A quarter of a fork

*Negligence in such matters is considered negligence in imposing state prestige*.

(email protected)

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