Executive Shendi: Food technology courses have shown the possibility of creating manufacturing industries

Shindi Locality Executive Director Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh said that the food technology courses organized by Shindi Youth and Sports Administration in a number of centers have demonstrated the possibility of creating manufacturing industries for agricultural products through multiple different means and capacities.

Abdul Ghaffar added, while addressing the conclusion of the food technology training course in Fujairah region, south of Shendi, that the levels of industrialization demonstrated by this course confirm the full benefit of all agricultural products in the manufacturing process.

The CEO announced his adoption of the project management course as it is a critical factor for all projects in the way they are managed and developed and its role in the marketing process, which is the important link and the end result in the success of any project.

In addition, Director of Shindi Muzammil Youth and Sports Department Syed Ahmed Abdel Rahman said that the aim of these courses is to draw attention to the great potential of all regions in agricultural products, the additional value of which can simply be increased through manufacturing operations at the individual level or manufacturing industries at the level of companies and industrial groups.

Food technology expert Dr. Khaled Abdel Rahim explained that the great renaissance witnessed by the Asian Tiger countries started with such small industries and grew through good project management.

Abdel Rahim highlighted the agricultural capacities available in all localities of Shendi, Nile and other places, from which they can benefit as they increase the living standards and incomes of individuals and groups.

Yasser Al-Jamri, Director of Shindi Savings Bank, announced the possibility of financing operations for all individual or collective projects in accordance with banking regulations, and that the issue of financing is not limited to the National Savings Bank and Omdurman Bank, but rather to all banks in the locality.

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